Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Instructional Minutes Certification Log - Output to Excel and Sort by Teacher
Allow printing to excel or group by teacher number/name option for weekly instructional minutes certifications submission log. Since the report runs by section it requires copy/paste from browser to excel to sort and identify teachers who need to submit. It would be helpful if we could run it with a sort "by teacher" option and be able to print to excel.
2 votes -
Add a sort feature on the Student Indicator Details Page
Consider a sort option for viewing a student's indicator results.
8 votes -
Attendance Letters to Parents Report - Add option for Printing Inactives
Add an option to the Print Attendance Letters to Parents report to exclude Inactives
1 vote -
Print Student Class Schedule Report
Add a Sort Report by Student Address field and Add the Students mailing address so we can mail home schedules.
Add a email option to email the student/parent the schedule.
5 votes -
Student Demographic Update Information - Additional Checks
Add a checkbox for the mailing address and email, to mail and/or email home schedules for Spring.
1 vote -
Attach files to report card comments
It would be useful if teachers were able to attach files (such as a progress summary export from student software) to report cards, in addition to the existing comments they can input, for parents to access when viewing the report card through the parent portal.
1 vote -
Add STU.SG Scheduling Groups to the Student List on Sections in MST or SMS
The tracks are listed, but we rarely use those. But with scheduling process (and the pandemic) we use scheduling groups all the time in the scheduling process and for training. Please consider adding SG to the view so that student moves can easily be identified by scheduling group.
2 votes -
Online Enrollment - Lock Grade Level Selection
Since the grade level is set based on the birth date selection, it would be helpful to have an option to disable parents selecting/changing the grade level.
30 votes -
Behavioral Emergency Report (BER) - New Counts Report
In reviewing how the CDE is planning on publishing the data on restraints and seclusion, a report that mirrors the counts would be a helpful way to audit the data.
The CDE reports total counts then breaks the counts down by demographic groups.4 votes -
Add Assignment Description to Weekly Engagement Report
Currently the Weekly Engagement Report includes the Gradebook assignment title but it would be very helpful if the Description was included as well. If the description can't be added, maybe the category.
2 votes -
When navigating in Item Definitions, the dropdown menu should default to the item that you are viewing
When editing item definitions and searching for like indicators to update, the dropdown menu should default to the indicator that you are viewing so that you can navigate elsewhere. This will save lots of scrolling when trying to get back to the section of indicators that you are editing.
5 votes -
Add Intervention table to Field Value in Analytics for an Item Definition
Add the Intervention table as an option for creating Field Level Indicators. We use this table in many ways want to create an indicator based on Category.
9 votes -
Add ability to pull an Indicator in Analytics by CRS.S2 field
Some districts have grad requirements that are met based on the CRS.S2 field value. Please add the option to include CRS.S2 value to Analtyics.
3 votes -
Provide Visual Feedback when Entering Attendance and No Response is Received from the Server
With many staff and teachers working remotely with varying internet providers and networking equipment, it is not uncommon for a staff member or teacher's internet to lose connection for a few moments.
When entering attendance, if the internet connection is lost it may go unnoticed leaving blank records on your attendance page. The current visual feedback is small in the upper-right hand corner but shows nothing if there is no response from the server. When entering several records it could easily go unnoticed if one or more of the records were not received by the server due to several notices…
1 vote -
Classes (SEC) please add Crs Req Packet button to allow users to add Packets when adding Classes
Classes (SEC) please add Crs Req Packet button to allow users to add Packets for students Classes (as it is in Classes Old)
2 votes -
Integrate with Google SIS grade export
Google Classroom has the ability to allow teachers to "push" grades from Google to Aeries. This is separate from our existing integration where teachers can Import grades from Google. This is accomplished with a new feature of Google Classroom called SIS Grade Export and would utilize the OneRoster standard for data transfer.
If you are interested in seeing Aeries work with Google to incorporate this feature, please share your feedback or vote on this Idea.
Here is more information on this feature from Google
2 votes -
CALPADS Extract - Direct Certification - Email Details
When importing the DC file in the complete email could we have which students were updated not just a total updated? See below for sample of the email:
Total Records Processed: 1,091
Students not found: 0
Number of students in file with codes other than 'S', 'T', 'M' and, 'R': 579
FRE - Records Added: 9
FRE - Records Updated: 117 votes -
Weekly Engagement Report - Instructional Minutes Certification Text
Would like to be able to modify language under "Certification for:" to align with district procedures.
4 votes -
Student Documents Access
Ability to limit access to certain documents, such as medical documents, by type.
6 votes -
Portal Options - Allow More "Additional Att Codes"
Due to Hybrid and Distance Learning. having the ability to add more than 5 "additional att code" sections would be ideal. Perhaps an "insert Additional Att Code" button would be good. Allowing us to added as we need them.
3 votes
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