Aeries Ideas
3059 results found
Enrollment by Teacher Report
Enhancement: Allow the Enrollment by Teacher Report to be run by date.
4 votes -
Student Attendance Report - Allow for multiple students to print
On the Student Attendance Report under View All Reports or Reports tab, allow the report to print for multiple students.
11 votes -
Keep/Skip Query Notification Message
When a Keep/Skip Query is performed the notification message informing student records are being skipped only appears at the top of the page. Enhance the product so that the message is viewable when the user scrolls down the page in a color that stands out to the user.
7 votes -
OneRoster v1.2
Implement OneRoster update to v1.2
6 votes -
Display Past Primary Teacher in GRD - Flex Scheduling
In flex scheduling when adding a new primary teacher in section staff, in GRD the past primary teacher no longer displays as the teacher who issued the grades in GRD. Past primary teachers should display for the grading marks the teacher entered.
26 votes -
Auto disable student and parent portal accounts once a student is inactivated
Once a student is exited from Aeries, the students and the parent portal accounts will automatically be disabled.
29 votes -
Golden State Seal - Create ACT Records for only "Graduated, Standard HS Diploma" Students
Adjust the process of creating an ACT at the end of the school year based on what the Graduation Status Code is. Have the ACT Golden State Seal record only include the "Graduated, Standard HS Diploma" Students
6 votes -
Data Validation Defaults and LOG Record
Data Validation Defaults - Add LOG record(s) to indicate that the defaults were loaded when using the Add/Update Defaults function.
2 votes -
Teacher Load Monitoring
Enhance Teacher Load Monitoring to be supported in schools using Flex Scheduling or Section Staff only.
2 votes -
Hiding Staff ID/Teacher Number Student Locator Cards Report
Enhance Student Locator Cards Report to Add Option for Hiding Staff ID (Tch#) Column for Specific Layouts
4 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that development is starting on this item and it will be shipped when testing is completed.
Extend CON.FN character max from 20
Currently the CON.FN field has a character max of 20. This is not enough characters for some parent first names. Please allow customization for this.
2 votes -
Dynamic Student Groups at District Level
At the District Level, when a record is added that is part of a dynamic group, have the SGM record be created automatically when a student meets the group criteria without requiring navigation to the Student Groups page.
2 votes -
Prevent Data Loss During USYSGCOD
Ensure USYSGCOD table updates are not interrupted by system updates or other conflicting operations so that data integrity is maintained.
5 votes -
CALPADS SPRG ODS orphaned records -All other eligibility orphaned Program records not being deleted that no longer exist
Compare CALPADS SPRG ODS records against Aeries and delete all other program records that exist in the ODS file but no longer exist in Aeries. These are records that become orphaned after being added to Aeries, uploaded to CALPADS, then deleted from Aeries and no longer exist. Previously, participation records, FRE and Homeless records were handled separately. This idea will capture all other Eligibility Programs not already being deleted when they no longer exist.
7 votes -
Immunization Dates
When a user attempts to change dates on the immunization form that are out of order, the dates are rearranged chronologically upon saving for IMM records where changes were not made. The data should be saved exactly as entered by the customer.
2 votes -
Medication Schedule Page
The entries are in a random order. Not alphabetically, not by time. It's just completely random.
6 votes -
CALPADS Data Audit Error for TK Students
Enhance the CALPADS Data Audit report to exclude TK students from this specific error: “STU.LF = TBD Could not determine if a student is enrolled more than 90 days.”
4 votes -
Online Enrollment
Online Enrollment - Hide Partial (Incomplete) enrollments from the previous school year on the Parent's My Account page.
20 votes -
504 Initial Date Field that is NOT reported
Add a new field to display the initial (original) date to display on every record.
4 votes -
Academic Plan Mass Import replacing current entries
There is already request to create a MASS IMPORT feature. However, please make sure that the MASS IMPORT feature allows to override any entry already made.
1 vote
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