Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Absence Code Color Options - Show assigned colors when Printing the Absence Code Table
After assigning the colors to the Update Absence Code Page, it would be nice if we could both print to Excel the codes as well as Show the colors of each code when selecting print.
It would also be very helpful if the color was assigned to the Type of attendance field and populated to all codes that fit the type?
Thank you,
Catherine2 votes -
Add logic when setting term dates to not allow a date before the start date
When setting terms dates I ran into an issue where I was able to set a term end date that started before the start date. Example Start: 1/10/2024 and End: 1/05/2024. Programming to stop this conflict should be a standard.
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Multi Student Search - Display More Fields
Add the ability to customize which fields display on the Multi Student Search Results list, allowing for at least 4 more fields to display. The ones I most wish to see are: CID, LF, SP, AP1
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Query - Ability for Descriptions on STU.CNS
Description on STU.CNS would give users without STF permissions the ability to query by teacher/counselor. Flex uses STF.ID for primary teacher and makes it very difficult when they just get an ID number from STU.CNS. We don't want to give out STF permissions to all these people that have access to STU.
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Address History - Validate Effective Date with Enrollment Start Date when an address change is made
Address History - Validate Effective Date with Enrollment Start Date when an address change is made
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Sort or Limit Data Validation Results
Option to either limit the results displayed on the Data Validation Results page or change the sort order of the results.
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Enable HTML for Portal Document Requests Descriptions
The main description text for all document requests has a rich editor with html support, but the per-document request descriptions does not. We are collecting parent photos for on-campus badges at the elementary level and would like to put an example photo / link thereto in the specific document request item for these parent photos and not the main area that covers all document requests. thank you.
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Print Assets Barcodes Avery Labels
Print Assets Barcodes Avery Labels - Enhance to print the Asset Title when the Add Heading Text option is selected.
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Standard Based Grades One Column Report card
Standard Based Report Card 1-Column Portrait format wrap text when the standard is long.
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Class List at District Level
It would be very helpful to be able to print class lists for all schools at the district level.
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OneRoster SFTP - Add support for SSH Key Authentication
OneRoster SFTP - Add support for SSH Key Authentication
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Schedule All Students
Schedule All Students - Prevent "Error - Index was outside the bounds of the array" for multiple duplicate SSS records
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Missing Assignment Reports Emails should only go to P1 and P2 Contacts
When you email missing assignments it goes to all contacts, but it should go to contacts listed as P1 and P2 to ensure just the parents receive it.
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Improve the Search Functionality
We have had several complaints about how the student search works. Users cannot enter First Last because it pulls no results. Similarly, two last names with no hyphen does not work. Fuzzy search makes it worse.
It would be helpful to have a more dynamic/intuitive search similar to how the ctrl+F command works, as most other SIS have.2 votes -
Standards Based Grading - Require Comments
Our school district wants to require teachers to make comments when uploading grades. We see the "require comment" option for GRD under "portal options". However, we do not see an option to require comments for SBG. It would be nice to have a require comments setting at a higher level for admin only.
2 votes -
Option to display a different teacher name on Report Cards and Progress Reports or Class Rosters
Would like to be able to select an option to choose which name is displayed on certain reports when a Long Term Substitute is assigned to a class in Section Staff. We had a teacher who went on leave the day before the grading period window opened and Admin and LTS would have preferred Primary Teacher names show as she had left grades to be entered.
2 votes -
Ability to edit title "labels" on the Online Enrollment Application
Ability to clarify and/or edit FIELD labels. For example, we would like to change the title of certain labels AND or HIDE certain fields.
2 votes -
REPORT Request: Identify students who have enrollment leave date and NOT re-enrolled during the school year within the district
We would like to identify students who ended enrollment in a school site during the current school year and did NOT re-enroll into the same school or enroll into another school within the District during the same school year. Query does not support this data request at this time. This would help identify ACTUAL losses from the District during the school year.
2 votes -
PFT reports by teacher
We need PFT reports that can be run by PE teacher.
2 votes -
LOG - Adjust entries coming from Flex Period FTF records
In Flex Scheduling schools, LOG entries contain erroneous data in the SC column and the CO column. When user performs Updates and Deletes to Flex Period records (FTF), LOG entries set the school number equal to the sequence number instead of the logged in school. Also, the description in the CO column contains an extra character after the 'FTF'.
When updates or deletes to FTF occur, the SC column of LOG should always contain the school code of the school where the FTF record exists. Not the SQ number.
When adds, updates, or deletes occur on FTF, the CO column…2 votes
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