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  1. Don't create PGM 181/182 Free/Reduced Record w/ Direct Cert import-PGM records in CALPADS end when stu exits, even if stu returns-DCs don't

    Aeries automatically creates program 181/182 records for all direct certification imports with the direct certification extract from CALPADS.

    CALPADS Fall 1 Report 1.17 counts Free & Reduced Meal Program 181/182 records, but also ends 181/182 program records if a student exits. Aeries, on the other hand, does not automatically end the 181/182 record that was created with the direct cert import process. If the student happens to return, CALPADS no longer counts the 181/182 program record, however, Aeries does.

    In other words, if a student exits the school CALPADS ends the 181/182 record based on the date the student exited,…

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  2. Improve Visibility on Attendance Page

    Help add some accessibility features to increase visibility on Attendance. Please make the attendance page with alternating grey and white rows OR allow the ability for teachers to highlight the row of a student when selected like on Gradebook.

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  3. Online Enrollment Supplemental Questions Translation

    For Online Enrollment for Supplemental Questions . English, can hold up to 1024 characters, while the translation texts can hold 500 characters. We would like the translation text to hold as many characters as English.

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  4. Portal Document Uploads - apply to only specific grades

    Portal Documents Request - have the ability to apply this feature similar to the portal documents - With School/Grades
    We were looking to collect the COVID Vax Cards from students. Our middle school is grades 6-8. Most of our 6th graders are not old enough.

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  5. Import Data Into Aeries for CON phone number fields do not allow import of special characters

    When importing CON phone numbers using Import Data Into Aeries when a phone number has a special character for example International Numbers 8.21098E+09 it should not allow the import and error out since these fields do not allow Special Characters. Currently, it allows the import but then when you go to any of the student's pages example Contacts you get an error message

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  6. Student Grade Report

    In order to get the credits to print on a student Grade Report, you have to first go to Grade Reporting Options and enable "Print Grade Report Class Rank"
    This seems like an extra step that should not be necessary

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  7. Quick view of Enrollment for Primary Students

    For the sake of ADA and CALPADS, It would be nice if the number of students enrolled daily, found on the home page of each school site and district, would separate out the numbers by programs. It would be a quick view of total enrolled, absences, and tardies of students with only a primary enrollment. Currently our total district count includes concurrent students and it is not a clear reflection of our actual primary enrollment numbers.

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  8. STU.NS/STU.NRS - can both fields be in numeric order?

    Next School is listed in Numeric Order and Next Res.Schl is in ABC order. Is there anyway can NRS be in numeric order?

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  9. Need a report that mimics CALPADS 15.1 & 15.2 reports for ACGR

    CALPADS instituted 2 new reports under the Accountability/Monitoring Reports section to help monitor and validate the 4-year Cohort Grad Rate (ACGR) data.
    15.1 - Cohort Outcome - Counts and Rates
    15.2 - Cohort Outcome - Student Details

    A report is needed in Aeries to help customers validate the information.

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  10. 6 votes

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  11. Add GRC and ABS to Analytics to support new indicator features

    With the ability to create indicators based on any table and field, if the primary table is not available, these new feature do not apply. Adding GRC and ABS allows for many variations on building indicators and allows customers to build things like: F's on a report card, Period Attendance values, etc.

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  12. Add STF.U1-STF.U8 to API

    Add STF User fields to the API. Currently, only TCH User fields are included.

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    2 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
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  13. Print Staff ID Card from District

    Print Staff ID Card from Disctrict, currently user can only select to print this report logged into each school site.

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  14. Multi-Factor Authentication - longer "Remember me" time

    When you enable MFA, users have a checkbox to remember their log in for 30 days. I'd like districts to be able to make that time period longer.

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  15. Sort Columns and Query the Online Enrollment Import Page

    Add option to sort the columns on the Online Enrollment (AIR) Import Results page to better clean up data. Also adding the option to Query the AIR import Page to better assess online enrollment data.

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  16. Display the student's number of years in the English Learner program prominently

    It would be really helpful for the teachers/Principals to see how many years a student has been in the English Learner program (in parenthesis) next to the Language Fluency LEP code so that they can work with students who are at risk of becoming LTEL.

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  17. Allow a Keep option for reports and on rosters

    Include a KEEP query button for reports so we have the option to KEEP students that were on the report. This would be helpful for any report for a teacher roster, gradebook, or where there are certain conditions of selecting the students on the report (ex. Repeated courses).

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  18. Import Course Requests from Academic Plan, add option to include Dropped requests from portal

    Import Course Requests from Academic Plan, add option to include Dropped requests from portal

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  19. Teacher App - Modify the Attendance screen to support Attendance Rulesets

    In the Teacher App the extra attendance codes from the Attendance Rulesets are available to all teachers and all sections in the school rather than just the sections tagged with the ruleset.

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  20. Make students have to Opt in to Endorsements

    Currently, if an Endorsement has been created, students are automatically added when a student enrolls in or receives credits for a course that is required for an Endorsement. Students that do not want to participate in earning the endorsement have to opt out. Please reverse the process and instead make students have to opt-in to participate. This way only those participating in the program will see their progress on their Profile and Graduation Status Reports.

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