Special Program LIP records - don't auto close based on enrollment
Here is a scenario of one EL student. I created an open 305 program record at school zero start date 8/13/2019. The student left on 12/19/2019. I didn't close the program record as it will need to stay open since she is still "eligible" to receive LIP services. Then she came back on 8/17/2021 and she is attending a different school in our district.
I would still want the 8/13/2019 as the start date to post because that is when she became eligible. But it looks like the SPRG sends a end date of when she left our district and the program record closed. A new program record is created with a start date that is same as the new enrollment start date. But in Special Program, having the pre-existing 8/13/2019 record, it is also sending a overlapping record.
Could we treat this record like the old special ed record program code 144 where the program eligibility start and end date is not affected by the enrollment start and end date?