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  1. Immunization Dates

    When a user attempts to change dates on the immunization form that are out of order, the dates are rearranged chronologically upon saving for IMM records where changes were not made. The data should be saved exactly as entered by the customer.

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  2. College Articulation - Credit Hours Criteria Needed for Transcript TTP

    When we add College Articulations(CCC) on transcripts as Things to Print (TTP), Aeries uses the following CCC fields as a criteria to enable printing:
    CCC.RPT - Required Mark Points (1,2,3,4)
    CCC.FGO - Required on Final Grade Only (y/n)
    CCC.RCC - Required Credit Comp (e.g. 5.00)

    We would like an additional requirement criteria for Credit Hours used to enable printing. This would look for a minimum value in the HIS.CH (Credit Hours) field.

    Currently all of our students that receive a minimum mark in an articulated class have College articulation printing on their transcript. However, there are some additional requirements that…

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  3. Quick Print Option

    When using Quick Print on a page, Suppress the All Rights Reserved verbiage from printing.

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  4. Add Next Re-evaluation date to 504 Plan page

    Please add the following in order to remain in compliance with CDE and Office of Civil Rights. On the 504 Plan page, we need to have a field added between "Next Review Date" and "Meeting Date" that reads: Next Re-evaluation Date (insert calendar). This will allow sites to hold their annual reviews while also keeping track of their 3 year cycles of reevaluations that are required.

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  5. Grading Snapshot Aeries Mobile API

    Enhance the product to support Grading Snapshot report card history in the mobile app.

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  6. Optimize Page Load Performance on Counseling Page for Students with Many Records

    The Counseling page (Counseling.aspx) experiences performance issues when a student has a large number of counseling records or when the records contain long comments. The page loads slowly when initially accessed, and there are delays when trying to add, save, or delete records.

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  7. Academic Plan - Only display tagged courses in Course list

    Honor the tagged courses in Academic Plan Course Options whether a student searches by specific Subject or All Courses. Currently, the tagged courses only show when they select a specific subject area.

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  8. Parent Portal Error

    Attendance Audit Errors and Course Attendance Audit Errors should not appear for parents/students on the portal.

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  9. New UI: Suggestions for adjustments

    Please give any feedback for adjustments you'd like to see in the new UI, that are not already requested in other UV Ideas.

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  10. College/ Career Indicator (CCI) - Add Print Button on the Page

    Counselors would like a print button on the College/Career Indicator Page.

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  11. Add a TBD Field and Date Field to the Language Assessment Page

    Add a TBD Field and TBD Date Field to the Language Assessment Page to show history of when the student's Language Fluency was set to TBD - To Be Determined.

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  12. NSLP Import - Do not include perfect matches on email report

    When the NSLP Import is run, a report is emailed with the changes affected by the import, i.e. Existing FRE Record deleted - coincided with or overlapped another record. Since the import can include records that have already been imported with perfect matches, the report is generating a log of those records that have a perfect match. Adjust the logic to not include records in the Email report that have perfect matches from the NSLP import file.

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  13. Medical - Food Allergies

    Create a section next to medical problems where staff can enter the students food allergies. This will help the kitchen staff quickly identify students with food allergies.

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  14. Add Table/Field Overlay to All Pages

    Please put the waffle on every page so that we know the query tags rather than sending us to other documentation

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  15. Mass Approve Academic Plan

    Add ability to mass approve academic plan to a group of students.

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  16. Enhance Immunization Requirements Logic for More Accurate Evaluation of 12th Grade Students

    Enhance Immunization Requirements Logic for Accurate Evaluation of 12th Grade Students

    Current logic The combination of the student's age being outside the VAC range and their next grade being above the high school grade level leads the system to conclude that they meet the immunization requirements, even though no vaccines are recorded.

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  17. Enrollment by Teacher Report

    Enhancement: Allow the Enrollment by Teacher Report to be run by date.

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  18. Academic Plan - Sort Courses Like Graduation Status

    Academic Plan does not place course like the graduation status would do. Once a course fulfills an required subject area i.e.10 credits required for Fine Arts the first course should be applied to Fine Arts but any additional fine arts classes should be placed under electives.

    In other words Subject 2, 3, 4 and 5 logic should be used to correctly mimic the graduation status. Otherwords, the planner is highly misleading for students. There is no "plan" if the plan is incorrectly sorting graduation requirements, it really defeats the purpose of the "Planner" if it is incorrect.

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  19. Allow itinerant teachers to be primary on their sections

    For Flex Scheduling schools, we report itinerant teachers by creating a class for them, tagging it as itinerant, and making sure that the teacher is NOT set as primary on the class. This causes various issues with syncing to third-party systems, pulling data in Query, and means that the class shows up as unassigned in reports and the Flex MST board. I can't think of a good reason why they can't be set as primary (maybe it's a carryover from the pre-flex world?) so please remove this restriction.

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    1 comment  ·  CALPADS  ·  Admin →
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  20. Link STR (Street Table) to STU in Query

    Link STR (Street Table) to STU in Query. This can be linked to AD (Address) and the street number between the Hi and Low numbers.
    Or a Report that shows the Students within certain School Boundaries.

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    0 comments  ·  Street Data  ·  Admin →
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