Aeries Ideas
2924 results found
Supplemental Attendance Report - Allow Teachers to Print
Allow the ability to give teachers permission to print the Supplemental Attendance Report for their sessions.
29 votes -
Create Cumulative Enrollment For the Entire Year by Site Report
Please create a report that shows cumulative enrollment for the entire year by site.
11 votes -
District Attendance Letter Enhancements for Printing and Previewing
1) Please create a print preview for letters
2) Be able to add Logo on letters and have it pickup from Local Drive; url sometimes does not work
3) Honor Keep/Skip
4) Option to include or exclude Digital copies from Letters to Print25 votes -
Data Confirmation - Honor Contact Linking
In Parent Data Confirmation, change Father and Mother work phones to say Parent 1 and Parent 2 phone. Not everyone has the traditional Father /Mother structure. If Contact Linking is enabled, use that data.
9 votes -
Security Settings - Alphabetize Tables
In security settings, it would be really nice to have the tables alphabetized or otherwise logically organized so we can more easily find the items we want to update within each section. And if the sections could also be either alphabetized or listed in the same order as the Aeries menu, that would also be very helpful.
3 votes -
Academic Plan and Summer Courses
The academic plan has the option to input courses for a summer term. We would like to leverage that in the same way the plan can be used to import course request during scheduling for year, fall or spring courses. If there was a was to take the summer courses that are put into the plan and import them into summer school course request that would save some time for the students that failed a class the first semester.
38 votes -
Choose not to send Intervention Email
Would like to have a feature added to Intervention. I would like the ability to disable the email notification to the user when an Intervention record is created by the user
2 votes -
Data Confirmation - Allow Parents to Add Med History Without Update Existing
We don't want them to change prior med history entries but they cannot add new ones unless they have update. Is there anyway to only allow Read and Insert so they cannot update past med history. The Med History sections disappears from PDC when you only have Read, Insert.
8 votes -
Analytics Query Extended Field - Add Period Absences
Add period absences in the Analytics LCAP dashboard so they can show in the Student Extended fields query.
Right now, it has all day absences, but not period.
2 votes -
Google Classroom - Option to Hide Access Code
We would like to request for a way to hide the google classroom access code on Aeries parent/student portal. This is to prevent parents and non-students from accessing a teacher's Google Classroom without their permission.
5 votes -
Ability to control the color code performance levels for local assessments on test scores
Would like to the ability to set up custom colors for the performance levels on the testing screen for our local assessments.
36 votes -
Display the Student Local ID more prominently when the student information bar is collapsed
Can the student's local ID be added to the Tool Tip or the gray bar behind the student's name so it is always easily visible? Rhonda Dominguez - 123456 or Rhonda Dominguez (123456).
Right now the Tool Tip repeats the student's name. The local id could replace the student's name in the tool tip...after all, we had to hover over the student's name to see the tip.
4 votes -
Class page - Issue Credit button in an Alternative Ed school
The "Issue Credits" button on the Classes page in an Alternative Ed school does not refresh when a course is changed.
2 votes -
Allow a co-teachers name to appear in View MST
Allow a co-teacher's name to display in "View MST" in the class schedule screen or on the Master Schedule Listing when sections are tagged with a teacher in TN2.
Also, is it possible to include in "View MST" in the class schedule screen the Ind. Study sections tag, again so the counselors can readily identify which sections are Ind. Study?9 votes -
Academic Plan - Option to show summer term first
Students take summer school at the beginning of the academic year in some districts. Can we show the summer term column first before each grade, rather than after?
27 votes -
Grading Periods - Display Grading Period colors to the Gradebook Dashboard.
Grading Periods - Display Grading Period colors to the Gradebook Dashboard.
6 votes -
Teacher Attendance - Add an "All Other Students Are Absent" Button
With positive attendance we have to mark present students and then it would be nice for the balance to be marked absent. Especially now marking many students absent but then present later for asynchronous work. It would eliminate a lot of clicking each period.
6 votes -
Attendance by Month in an Alternative Ed School
Add Course Name in an Alternate Ed School using the "Post Attendance by Month" Portal Options. Currently, the teacher Attendance by Month page displays a student multiple times when the section changes Courses.
2 votes -
Initialize New Grade Reporting Cycle
Add an option to initialize for a single student, similar to the option to initial for a single section.
6 votes -
Staff - Also Search of Previous Last Name
Add an option to search for the Previous Last Name, STF.LNP, field when searching for a staff member?
11 votes
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