Aeries Ideas
3059 results found
Student Attendance page Quick Print button should display entire year
On the student Attendance page, the Quick Print button displays/prints the data through today's date, but it should display/print for the entire year (like Client did).
18 votes -
Report to Print all Standards Based Templates
Can there be an Admin report to print all standards based report card templates at once instead of individually? Or maybe give a check list of which templates to print on one report?
2 votes -
Grade Reporting and Transcripts - Support Inactive Valid Marks.
We wanted to remove the + and - (B+, B-, C+...) grades going forward. We cannot do it because the Valid Marks for the current year are used to determine the cumulative GPA. Grades in previous years that had the + and - were being excluded from the calculations. We had to add them back. If the system would support inactivating valid marks, we could leave them there for calculation purposes, but no one could use them going forward.
2 votes -
Turn off the default grade for the new student page
Populate Student Grade level field (STU.GR) with a blank, instead of low grade from School Options when adding a new student.
6 votes -
Link Google Classroom to Aeries to Update Late Work and Send Text Msg
Google Classroom - Send Late Work and Grade changes via text message.
Add an Aeries communications feature to push grade updates in general no matter where it's coming in from.
1 vote -
Automatically Link Attendance to Zoom
Automatic reporting from zoom, email sent, or zoom.
1 vote -
Student Search - Display the Family Key number on the Student Search.
Student Search - Display the Family Key number on the Student Search.
5 votes -
No Show Form - defaulting date when previously E155
Have the No Show Form default to the previous year's last day of school date for students that ended the previous year in the current school as active instead of the configured No Show Default date.
This behavior would align with the No Show Guidelines chart, since these students would have an E155 submitted.
1 vote -
Medications - Add Inventory Information
We would like to add a system for documenting medication inventory at the schools.
At a minimum it should add the following fields to the medication screen: Doses Provided, Remaining Doses and Expiration Date.7 votes -
Gradebook Progress by Standard Report - Include Explanation of Marks
Hi, Will you please consider including the Explanation of Marks on the Gradebook SBG Progress Reports, like it shows on SBG Report Cards? Thanks!
4 votes -
Enrollment Validation Update
Please update all validations for enrollment to ignore if Exit Reason = 155. I believe we are the only SIS that does not populate the leave data and add the E155 code for enrollment records. Our validations cause errors for all implementations and data conversions. Rather than change data for each year - consider having the 155 code ignored during the validation - for any validation monitoring enrollment data. This was added to the Validations list in Confluence, too.
1 vote -
Support Pre-enrolled Status Tag during Copy Scheduling Results to MST process
Please add support or an option to copy Course Requests to Classes during the Copy Scheduling Results to MST process for students tagged with a Pre-enrolled Status tag.
1 vote -
Print Cal Grant GPA on transcript
Please add an option to Print Cal Grant GPA on transcript.
14 votes -
Allow Multiple Account Types
Allow Aeries users to have a single login, but be able to switch between various roles such as teacher, user, or admin.
17 votes -
Query Change to MST/SMS Days of the Week Fields
Query Change to the MST/SMS DY field needs to update the MST/SMS days of the week fields (MM, MT, MW, MR and MF). The MST.DY and individual days of the week fields need to stay in sync.
2 votes -
Scheduling Master Schedule Board - Add Filters for Courses and/or Teachers
Allow the ability to tag (isolate) specific teachers or courses for reviewing with each other. This would particularly be helpful when analyzing period coverage or reassigning periods/teacher within a specific subject or department.
2 votes -
Standard Based Grades Input by Teacher - Add a filter teacher option
As of now, pre-teachers who have multiple classes assigned to them have no class filtering capabilities when entering grades. The pre-teachers drop-down list in the 'View by Student' list is never-ending and hard to navigate. Also, when they select 'View by Standard' they see all students for that grade level standard.
Given that many of our 'prep-teachers' serve multiple classes/grades it would be ideal for them to have the option to either select by teacher or class. Similar to what Aeries admins are able to do when viewing 'Standard Based Grades by Teacher'.
By being able to select a teacher/class…
2 votes -
Academic Plan - Lock Courses by Grade Level
Ability to Lock the Academic Plan by grade level (not subject area) to increase efficiency for Counselors to meet with students before rolling over to Course Requests.
Counselors schedule by grade level and we would love the option to lock classes by grade level.
17 votes -
Transcript Credits by Category
In the view screen for transcript, showing total credits by category in the title bar would be very helpful. In the print version each term shows subtotals, the view display should also.
1 vote -
SELA Import Process
When a correction is made to a student in CALPADS and then we re-import from CALPADS using the SELA Import Process please allow what is already in Aeries to be over written with the New CALPADS information. For the ELAS field in the Language Screen.
3 votes
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