Aeries Ideas
3059 results found
Freeze Column Headers on Test Scores Page
It would be nice to have the column header labels visible to the user when they are adding new records in this table. Currently the add new record fields are at the bottom of the page and the column header labels are not visible so the user has to scroll up and down to read the labels. Another suggestion might be to have the add new record fields at the top of the page versus the bottom and then the header labels would most likely be visible to the user.
7 votes -
Standards Based Progress Dashboard for Non-Rubric Gradebooks
Add a report or dashboard that shows the current grade percentage and/or trend for each student and each standard to meet SMART Goals.
2 votes -
Staff Data Verification Report
It would be helpful to have an easy way for staff to verify their contact information at the start of the school year to make sure we have accurate emergency contact information, demographic information, etc.
9 votes -
Teacher Attendance - Option to Alphabetize Students Rather Than Split By Section
Due to distance learning, students have been split into scheduled groupings. In teacher attendance, these sections also split the students into alphabetized groupings rather than having all students listed alphabetically. Having an option to take attendance alphabetically instead of by section would make it easier for teachers to take attendance.
13 votes -
Weekly Attendance Reports - Add Totals
Please add row and column totals to the Weekly Attendance Reports. This should be based on the Counts for ADA Flag in the Absence Code Table. If the attendance code is flagged as Count for ADA it should be counted.
42 votes -
District Assets - Already Paid for Warning
When a student has lost and paid for an asset but then the asset is found and turned in, there should be a notice that lets us know the item was paid for in case a refund to the student is appropriate.
6 votes -
Update Code Table - Display Message for Tables That Cannot Be Updated
Right now, when a table is either hardcoded or pulls from another table, there is nothing to indicate that on the Update Code Table page. It would be really nice to have a message of some kind display to indicate that.
For example, STU.HL is an updatable table. CON.CL pulls from STU.HL, but when I go to the Update Code Table page for CON.CL, it is blank, with the option to add a new record. But if I add any new records, according to support, those won't do anything because that page is irrelevant. And it's possible that I missed…
24 votes -
Scheduling Letter to Parents - Add Alternate Courses
Add the ability for the Alternate Courses (ACR) to print on the Scheduling Letters to Parents. Currently, only the primary Courses (SSS) print on the Scheduling Letter.
4 votes -
Manage Parent/Student Portal Page - Add More Options
Need options to sort by columns, download data to excel, limit by more fields (ex. date, no student association), mass deactivate/delete unused or old accounts.
Also would be really helpful to see the status of the associated student - active, inactive, graduated.
5 votes -
Mass Change ATT Codes/Mass Change All Day Codes
Now that there's an option to auto-populate the all-day code based on period codes, the mass change programs need an option to not skip ATT records for which an all-day code already exists. This is critical when the all-day code is auto-populated to A, then can't be changed to U after the period absences have all been to U.
5 votes -
Parent Contacts - ParentSquare
We have families turning on notifications for other emergency contacts ( example neighbors ).
It would be amazing if the emergency contact could get access to either accept the record, update their unique record, or remove their unique notification preference for the student not in their family.
Maybe a work flow to send an email to the contact saying: "You have been added to as an emergency contact for "John Smith" at "Eagle High School" . If this is an error, please click here to remove your record ( one-time link that expires after ~7 days ).
8 votes -
Google Classroom - Option to Hide Access Code
We would like to request for a way to hide the google classroom access code on Aeries parent/student portal. This is to prevent parents and non-students from accessing a teacher's Google Classroom without their permission.
7 votes -
1 vote
When blanking out the SMS - option to not delete FTF
If a client is using Flex Scheduling for the first time, and they create the FTF and CCL data, then they Blank out the SMS table, they lose all of their work. When blanking out the SMS table, should there be an option to NOT delete the FTF table?
2 votes -
EM2, display Teacher name for ELM w/o MST schools in EM2
Display Teacher name for students in a ELM w/o MST school.
2 votes -
Financials - Order Management Pending Status
On the Order Management page, we would like to see an enhancement of some sort or an automated process to help clean up the students that show up as pending. The only way thus far for us to remove them, is to manually emulate each and every student.
2 votes -
Attendance Management for Elementary Schools - Display Teacher Name
It would be very helpful to be able to see the teacher's names when in Attendance Management in an Elementary school.
8 votes -
Send Email "Add Recipients" - remove inactive sections
When logged into a school, school info>send emails>add recipients, Search By Sections>Search Email In: Sections. The List generated is including our unassigned holding tank sections, that have been since removed/inactive from the master schedule. Is there a way to have the system display current the active sections or provide the ability to choose between active and inactive sections? Thank you in advance.
1 vote -
Scheduling Setup Verbiage
If Scheduling Setup option is set for Use Flex Scheduling for Next Year, then when adding a new Flex Period or a new Class Calendar, the default Academic Year should be the next Academic Year.
2 votes -
Allow Lunch Count for period attendance schools
Currently lunch count can only be taken at elementary or flex schools that have daily attendance. Taking lunch count in a high or middle school would be desirable. For Flex and Secondary schools with period attendance, there could be a setting denoting the period to take lunch count.
61 votes
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