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  1. CALPADS Extract Should ALLOW LEAs to NOT Auto-Populate End Dates for SPRG Files

    When districts generate SPRG files within the last 30 calendar days of the school year, the SPRG file created by Aeries will automatically close out all program records with the last day of school. The 'Do Not Extract Future Dates' does NOT apply to SPRG, it only applies to SENR. CALPADS and TOMS have both stated multiple times that if LEAs are still CAASPP/ELPAC Testing, program records should not be submitted with future end dates. Otherwise, accommodations for 504 plan students in particular will be lost. Aeries should allow DISTRICTS to determine if/when they auto-close program records in CALPADS prior…

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  2. Enhance CALPADS SENR Extract to Insert Exit E156 For Returning Students Coded with a STU.GR/STU.NG Translated to Grade 12

    Enhance the CALPADS SENR Extract to insert an exit reason code of E156 for returning students coded with a STU.GR/STU.NG that is translated to grade 12 in Code Translations (XRF).
    i.e. local STU.GR/NG = 14-16 and XRF Student Grade (STU.GR) 14-16 = 12.

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  3. CALPADS STAS - Do not extract for students in NPS or Private Schools

    As of 4/2024, CALPADS no longer accepts STAS records for students in an NPS or Private Schools (School of Attendance = 0000001) or private school group (School of Attendance = 0000002). Adjust the logic in Aeries to no longer extract automatically for these schools. Currently, Aeries automatically populates an exemption indicator for all NPS students. Remove logic that inserts the Exemption indicator.

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  4. Import CALPADS Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12

    When importing the SSID Extract, import the CALPADS Field 2.36 – Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12 into LAC.USS (US School K-12).

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  5. CALPADS Log should ignore CON.ELV

    Please include CON.ELV as one of the fields ignored from date changes for the SINF extract, even if just temporarily, to help us navigate through Fall 1.

    Many districts are actively addressing the issue of thousands of CALPADS fatal errors with code SINF0453F1, related to the missing Parent Guardian Highest Education Level. When school sites update CON.ELV, a CALPADS log is generated for the change, and the SINF extract reflects this alteration date. However, this process is creating a new SINF record in CALPADS, using the change date from the CALPADS log, instead of updating the original SINF record from the…

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  6. Add the 3-Character Language Codes to STU.HL/STU.CL

    Add the new 3-character language codes to STU.HL/STU.CL according to the CALPADS Code Sets.

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  7. Enhance Alt Ed Scheduling to allow placeholder sections with multiple attributes (CALPADS)

    Enhance Alt Ed Scheduling to allow one placeholder section to have many different course attributes, such as Independent Study, Distance Learning, CTE

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  8. Adjust the RACE extended query multiple race categories to align with CALPADS documentation.

    Adjust the RACE extended query multiple race categories to align with CALPADS documentation.

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  9. CALPADS Fall 2 - Adjust logic for Itinerant Teachers

    In Flex or section staff schools, logic needs to be adjusted to have the Itinerant Teachers be limited to those staff members that are not Primary Teachers or are not Past Primary Teachers. Adjust the CALPADS Fall 2 logic to prevent past primary teachers from being included as itinerant teachers. Currently, we just filter out staff who are primary teachers (SSE.PR=1). We also need to filter out those that were past primary teachers (SSE.PPR=1).

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  10. Student Data Audit (CALPADS) - LIP 307

    To prevent the error message "Participation program without a participation start date", enhance the report logic to utilize Eligibility Dates instead of Participation Dates when PGM.CD = 307.

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  11. SELA Conflict Report - Exclude TK Students

    Enhance the SELA Conflict Report to omit TK students, as they are no longer participating in the ELPAC test.

    Workaround: ​Run a SKIP query first. Then, run the report.
    SKIP STU IF GR = -1

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  12. CALPADS Summer ELPAC Testing tab - Adjust to work with SSID Match Tool Redesign

    The CALPADS Summer ELPAC Testing tab in CALPADS Extracts needs to be updated to align with the CALPADS SSID Match Tools redesign.

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  13. CALPADS SPRG ODS orphaned records -All other eligibility orphaned Program records not being deleted that no longer exist

    Compare CALPADS SPRG ODS records against Aeries and delete all other program records that exist in the ODS file but no longer exist in Aeries. These are records that become orphaned after being added to Aeries, uploaded to CALPADS, then deleted from Aeries and no longer exist. Previously, participation records, FRE and Homeless records were handled separately. This idea will capture all other Eligibility Programs not already being deleted when they no longer exist.

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  14. CALPADS Data Audit Error for TK Students

    Enhance the CALPADS Data Audit report to exclude TK students from this specific error: “STU.LF = TBD Could not determine if a student is enrolled more than 90 days.”

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  15. CALPADS SPRG ODS orphaned records - Program 191 Homeless

    Compare CALPADS SPRG ODS records against Aeries and delete program code 191 Homeless records that exist in the ODS file but no longer exist in Aeries.

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  16. Allow itinerant teachers to be primary on their sections

    For Flex Scheduling schools, we report itinerant teachers by creating a class for them, tagging it as itinerant, and making sure that the teacher is NOT set as primary on the class. This causes various issues with syncing to third-party systems, pulling data in Query, and means that the class shows up as unassigned in reports and the Flex MST board. I can't think of a good reason why they can't be set as primary (maybe it's a carryover from the pre-flex world?) so please remove this restriction.

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  17. Student Data Audit - CALPADS add validation for same Incident ID with different Incident Occurrence Date

    Implement validation in the Student Data Audit Report for identical Incident IDs (ADS.IID) with differing Incident Occurrence Dates (ADS.DT).

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  18. CALPADS CRSC/CRSE - Adjust to no Longer Extract Code 23 - College Credit Only

    Adjust the extracts to exclude code 23 – College Credit Only.

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  19. SELA Import - Include list of SSIDs when no match is found

    SELA Import Results. Update the email results to include a list of SSID numbers instead of the number of students without matches. This will help with identifing the SSID in the file that was not matched to a record in Aeries.

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  20. Aeries CALPADS SENR ODS Adjustment for the E150 Exit code

    Adjust the CALPADS SENR ODS process to auto-populate the E150 Exit code for all Enrollment Status changes within the same school. Currently the internal 440 exit code is only extracting as the E150 exit code for the Enrollment Status change from 10 - Primary Enrollment to 50 - Non-ADA (and vice-versa) in the same school.

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