Aeries Ideas
3059 results found
Mobile App - Allow the display of a field from a Custom table
Allow the ability to display a field from a custom table in the Mobile App.
2 votes -
Parent Portal - Disable the Contacts update by parents outside of Data Confirmation
I read the aeries_talk yahoo listserv about the contact name disappears if only mailing name is used.
I shared it with my sites so that they will be sure to enter the last name and first name instead of just entering mailing name.I would like to suggest that the mailing name field is grayed out and not editable.
One of the sites contacted me to ask if parents can be doing the same thing when they update their contact info in Parent Portal.
I emulated a parent account to see if I can do that. I would usually go…1 vote -
The Attendance Works extract is not flagging special ed students as IEP = YES.
The Attendance Works extract is not flagging special ed students as IEP = YES. All students are extracting as NO in the AWSTU file.
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IEP Accommodations on SPED Tab
At this time, the only place accommodations are given a spot is in 504s and the Testing Accommodations for IEPs. However, the accommodations that teachers need to be able to see also include those on the IEP at-a-glance. Being able to provide teachers with an at-a-glance set of information for students would be highly helpful. Teachers do not need to know the testing accommodations in the same way that the school would for state testing reasons. What teachers need to know are the accommodations that the students have in their IEP, which are the ones that will help them the…
4 votes -
Allow Users to See State Seal of Biliteracy Results Generated by Other Users
The State Seal Of Biliteracy (SSB) does not display the results generated by other users.
5 votes -
The Attendance Dashboard "Days Present" total should exclude any Absent (ABS) code defined as Verified Not Absent.
The Attendance Dashboard "Days Present" total should exclude any Absent (ABS) code defined as Verified Not Absent. Students on independent study Incomplete are neither present nor absent. It should also not display 100% on days marked as staff development in calendar.
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Activities and Awards - Auto populate Grade Level
Is it possible for you to add the student grade to populate automatically when we add a new record under Activities and Awards?
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Option to "Inactivate" Academic Marks in Grade Reporting Codes and Descriptions for Report Cards
Would like the Academic Marks tab in the Grade Reporting Codes and Descriptions page have an option to "Inactivate" Academic Marks.
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Class Rosters - Enable Option to Run By Room Number
With teachers sharing classrooms, it would be helpful to be able to run teacher rosters and sort by classroom and period. We keep hardcopy lists in the event of an emergency so teachers & subs can 'grab and go' but it takes time to manipulate the data and print in room number order to put into the classrooms.
3 votes -
Physical Fitness Testing - Mass Add Feature
Physical Fitness - need the ability to mass add physical fitness records for students that do not have one (same as we use to be able to do in Aeries CS when creating the extract file to the state). Currently all you can do is skip students that already have a record for this year and run the Mass add student data. This is inefficient as it has to be done at each school in order to include the PFT.SCL (it cannot be done at the district level for all schools at once).
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Rosters using student groups
Would like the ability to print rosters for a Student Group (not by teacher). This would be helpful for itnerant music teachers or others that do not have a class of students assigned to them, but can access them as a group. Would just need an alpha roster for teh group.
7 votes -
Seating Chart - Enlarge View
The new seating chart view is very small. I need to be able to magnify it so I can fill the page and see my students!
7 votes -
Don't include absences made up with an ADA Make Up code in reports
Elementary sites give student, class, and grade awards for attendance. Absence Reports don't take ADA Make Up codes into account. We'd like a checkbox on all Absence Reports, namely Students with Absences, to not count records with an ADA make up code.
6 votes -
Add option to disable the Elective? Field on Courses
Add an option to disable the Electives? dropdown on the Courses page under the California Specific tab, CSU/UC Entrance fields when a user enters an Elective in the Subject Area field. We feel this would prevent users from putting the Elective in both the Subject Area field and Elective field which causes CALPADS errors during reporting.
2 votes -
View assignment scores from all students in linked gradebook
Please allow more integrating between linked gradebooks, so that teachers can see scores from ALL students on a particular assignment.
This helps with gauging understanding on a particular assignment, and entering late work from multiple class periods, and would allow uploading all grades for an assignment at once.
1 vote -
Academic Plan Enhancements
Making the Academic Plan more reflective of what is on the Graduation Status page would make it a much more useful tool.
- We have students attending more than one high school concurrently (either a comprehensive and a credit recovery or a comprehensive and a virtual). We would like to be able to view a student's current and planned courses at all schools on the AP.
- It would be less confusing to show the credits completed on the AP instead of the credits needed (so it would match what is on the GS page)
- Courses that have a…8 votes -
Teacher Attendance Notifications - Add ability to disable or change the frequency of alerts
The "Attendance has been updated" notifications that display while teachers take attendance may cover the attendance check boxes and while scrolling the page. This may commonly affect touch screen devices while being used in a positive attendance school. Adding the ability to either disable the notifications or display one alert over each other would help.
1 vote -
School Name Dropdown - Search Feature
A search feature on the school drop down would make it much faster to switch between schools. Districts currently have to scroll through all of their schools when looking for the correct one, and it can be especially irritating for larger districts.
6 votes -
PFT Results Import for Spring 2020
PFT Results files have been released for Spring 2020 testing. Import process needs to be updated for SPRG20
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Lockers - Allow Additional Set of PE Lockers
We would like the ability to have a second set of locker assignments for the PE lockers.
3 votes
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