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  1. Attendance reports need to honor the Block Schedule Calendar and MST days of the week

    The Weekly Attendance report needs to honor the Block Schedule Calendar and print "Not Enrolled" on the days the period does not meet.

    Also, the Weekly Engagement report needs to honor the Block Schedule Calendar/MST Days of the Week

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  2. Mass add Attendance Code for Range of Dates

    For an All Day Attendance School, the ability to Mass Add an Attendance Code for a range of dates for students that don't already have an attendance code would be helpful. For instance, we have a school that needs to add a "Q" for all their kids from the beginning of the school year. We have to go in day by day and mass add the code for the students. It would be great to be able to mass add for a range of dates.

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  3. Allow parents to submit Attendance note through parent portal

    Give parents the ability to excuse student absences through the parent portal

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  4. Attendance and Section Staff End Date

    Attendance and Section Staff End Date - If a teacher is given an end date in SSE, provide an alert or option to continue to be able to back post attendance for that teacher

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  5. Display Student Class Schedule next to Attendance record

    I am an attendance clerk at a high school. Typically the students have six teachers. There is a large blank space next to the student's attendance record where you can place the schedule. This would make things much more efficient for us. We currently have to go back and forth from attendance page to schedule page all day yet there is sufficient space next to attendance to add the student's schedule of classes. As attendance clerks, we have to make corrections to teacher errors all day. This would make this process more efficient.

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  6. Student Attendance page Quick Print button should display entire year

    On the student Attendance page, the Quick Print button displays/prints the data through today's date, but it should display/print for the entire year (like Client did).

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  7. Using [Enter] in the comment section

    When entering in Comments section in the Other District Enrollment tab or the User account page, The enter key is not applied. Instead it just gets a long line of data entry. It would be nice to use the enter key and have the next line show up as the next line instead of a long line of data entry.

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  8. Ensure Attendance Matches Suspension

    Compare attendance codes to Discipline dispositions, to insure discipline attendance code are only used when student is suspended. This will keep attenance clean and discipline for STAS and SIRS to match
    Note: Use Print Suspension Attendance Listing by Student with new option to check for missing Suspension in Discipline when student tagged Suspended in Attendance

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  9. Attendance Management: mass add period absence codes for a date range

    On the Attendance Management page, absence codes can be added for multiple periods for one date. Please add the ability to add these absence codes over a date range.

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  10. Teacher Attendance page ability to hide the "A" absent column

    Currently the teacher attendance page can have the Tardy "T" and "P" column hidden by blanking out the absence code in portal options. Please do the same for the "A" absent columns.

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  11. Allow 2 character absence codes

    With all of the new absence codes we had to add for Distance Learning and now the ones we have to add for COVID related absences for P-EBT, we have run out of letters and have used almost half of the numbers and really need 2 character absence codes to be allowed in the system.

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  12. Attendance Management - Filter Absence Codes

    Attendance Management - buttons to select all or none absence codes. We use this screen to verify an attendance note has been added for all absences. We currently have to check 25 boxes.

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  13. Update ATT - New Option

    Create a new option for the Update ATT function to not update unverified period absences.

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  14. Attendance Percentage Comparison and Prior ADA

    Attendance Percentage Comparison page and School Information page, "Prior ADA" field - Allow the page and field in a future enhancement to be utilized by California Districts as a tool for comparisons of attendance data between previous year and current year.

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  15. Attendance Percent by Period Report

    We are seeking a report to identify attendance percent by period. This would be useful to have the ability to utilize for all students/teachers/groups. Currently, we can pull absences by period, however determining present percent based on dates of class meeting and so many schedules is not something that someone not versed in SQL can easily access.

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  16. Teacher Attendance - Option to Alphabetize Students Rather Than Split By Section

    Due to distance learning, students have been split into scheduled groupings. In teacher attendance, these sections also split the students into alphabetized groupings rather than having all students listed alphabetically. Having an option to take attendance alphabetically instead of by section would make it easier for teachers to take attendance.

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  17. New report needed for Custom Bell Schedules and the Calendar

    Please create a report that prints the information from the custom bell schedule (BEL) and which Key is linked to which Date in the Calendar (DAY).

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  18. District Attendance Letters-Add ability to Print/Export to Excel the student list in Review Letters

    Sites need to be able to print the Pending Batch to Excel from the Review Letters section. Or enhance Aeries Query to include STU with CBD and Batch ID description so they can query the list.

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  19. It would be great for school sites to have the ability to have the site letterhead added in the attendance letters.

    I think it would be great to have the option to upload letterhead into the attendance letters. I feel that this would look more professional when families receive the attendance letter.

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  20. Sections attendance consolidated into 1 button to click

    I was told that with Flex Schools, "when multiple sections exist for each teacher and period, the "Attendance to be Taken (Marked as Complete) by Section" setting needs to be enabled so that each section is marked correctly in the CAS table since the attendance log (CAS) is stored by Section number."

    This means for Flex Scheduling any teacher that has multiple sections will have to press the submit button multiple times.

    We were wondering if this could be consolidated into 1 button

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