Aeries Ideas
252 results found
Provide Visual Feedback when Entering Attendance and No Response is Received from the Server
With many staff and teachers working remotely with varying internet providers and networking equipment, it is not uncommon for a staff member or teacher's internet to lose connection for a few moments.
When entering attendance, if the internet connection is lost it may go unnoticed leaving blank records on your attendance page. The current visual feedback is small in the upper-right hand corner but shows nothing if there is no response from the server. When entering several records it could easily go unnoticed if one or more of the records were not received by the server due to several notices…
1 vote -
Attendance notes for engagement penalty
There is not a great option to identify which students are at penalty for "engagement" which we are recording in the attendance notes columns. Please consider options including how we might 1) identify that a student might be at penalty and 2) run reports to identify infractions. If you allow teachers to select a box at the top of the column to indicate that activity type was prescribed that day, an unmarked box would indicate penalty and would help be pulled into a count of non-engagement. We have the ability to pinpoint significant attendance issues but not engagement issues. Please…
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When schedule changes are made to IEP students, check for % of Special Day qualifying classes and update program code (STU.SP)
Students who have over 50% of classes categorized as SPED classes require a change in their Programs code for attendance apportionment. When counselors make changes, or new enrollees fall in that category, the ability to update program code and attendance enrollment would be great.
As it is now we rely on manual spot checks periodically to maintain accuracy of program codes.
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Weekly Instructional Minutes - Please add a Mass Certify and Save button
On the new Weekly Instructional Minutes certification screen it would be great if you could add two fuctions.
Mass Check all as Full - 99.9% of the time teachers are selecting Full, so it would be great if there was a way to do that in mass. Then if a teacher needed to change one to Other, they could manually do so.
Instead of having to click the "Save and Certify" button for each section for each week, it would be nice if there was a "Save and Certify All" button that would complete all sections that were displayed, that…
1 vote -
Change Query to ATT should update ATL
Can we make a change query to ATT update ATL for audit tracking. Currently a change query to ATT will not update ATL and will not show on the attendance log.
1 voteKevin Praeger responded
Currently in Aeries, change queries may bypass any kind of business logic. This will not be the case in the next generation of Aeries however.
Teacher Class Attendance - Add section number to course title.
In Teacher portal on the class attendance page, include the section number next to the course title.
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Attendance Note Sort Order
It would be helpful if we could have options to sort on the period or ATN.CD. This would be a big help for our Attendance Clerks now that we are allowing teachers to submit notes for SB 98 attendance accounting.
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Google Meet Attendance
Google meet generates attendance reports for every period. We should ask Aeries to integrate these reports to take roll.
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The Attendance Works extract is not flagging special ed students as IEP = YES.
The Attendance Works extract is not flagging special ed students as IEP = YES. All students are extracting as NO in the AWSTU file.
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Teacher Attendance Notifications - Add ability to disable or change the frequency of alerts
The "Attendance has been updated" notifications that display while teachers take attendance may cover the attendance check boxes and while scrolling the page. This may commonly affect touch screen devices while being used in a positive attendance school. Adding the ability to either disable the notifications or display one alert over each other would help.
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Attendance Management Mass Add Verification Pop-Up
When Mass Add button is clicked, please display a verification pop-up before processing the request.
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Teacher Attendance - Show SSA violation code instead of SSA date when hovering over date
On the Teachers Class Attendance page, when a student has the red SSA date next to their name, can the violation code and date be shown instead of just the SSA date when hovering over the red SSA.
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