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  1. Automated days in Class Calendars for Flex Scheduling

    When we create a Class Calendar for Flex scheduling, for example MTWF, it would be wonderful if Aeries could do the rest and we not have to click a little check box for every day of the school year that class will be in session. If we have already created the overall School Calendar and we create a Class Calendar for MTWF and assign it to a section, then Aeries would already have the info needed to determine the days that section is in session and needs attendance. It feels redundant to have to select each day's checkbox for each…

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  2. "Enhance the SMS Builder in Flex schools to recognize a Course ID of 0000"

    "Enhance the SMS Builder in Flex schools to recognize a Course ID of 0000"

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  3. SMS Error listing, adapt for Flex

    SMS Error Report shows N/A for FLex schools, please adapt the report to work for Flex Scheduling schools

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  4. Class Calendars: reduce permissions needed for Push and Copy (currently only Admins)

    On the Class Calendars page, an Admin user can Copy Class Calendars within a school or Push Class Calendars to other schools. Please change these permissions so that Copy and Push can be done by a User who is not an Admin.

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  5. Create a Flex Pass for student rewards and opportunities

    We are looking at ways to create study halls within our schedule (flex period). A time for make up or enhancement. Those with a 3.0 GPA or no homework would get to go to lunch 10 minutes early. They had great success as most kids wanted to go to lunch early so they got grades up and did their homework.
    Could we create a FLEX PASS link on Aerie’s? If a student had no missing assignments or above a certain GPA they could click a link on their account and a FLEX PASS would pop up. It could link to…

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  6. When blanking out the SMS - option to not delete FTF

    If a client is using Flex Scheduling for the first time, and they create the FTF and CCL data, then they Blank out the SMS table, they lose all of their work. When blanking out the SMS table, should there be an option to NOT delete the FTF table?

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  7. Scheduling Setup Verbiage

    If Scheduling Setup option is set for Use Flex Scheduling for Next Year, then when adding a new Flex Period or a new Class Calendar, the default Academic Year should be the next Academic Year.

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  8. Flex Scheduling - Allow Sections to be Linked for a Class

    Flex Scheduling is wonderful. What would make it even more wonderful would be to allow us to link sections that together make up a class - and then being able to customize that class name would be the icing on the cake. :)

    We have to create separate sections for classes that meet at different times on different days, but for teachers / gradebooks / grades / schedule viewing it would be REALLY useful to let us link certain sections together so they can be managed as a whole instead of having to tweak a field on each of three…

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  9. Additional Columns to Identify Homeroom Teacher using Flex Scheduling in SBG, GRD, etc.

    Currently, our Music/Band teachers have roster sections that are respective of the homeroom sections to aid in identifying each student appropriately when providing SBG reporting and other reasons.

    Our PE teachers have their rosters based on grade regardless of the teacher. This is a simpler approach when creating PE sections. Music, however, is more involved due to creating the different sections corresponding to the respective homeroom teachers.

    I have a setup where the music teacher Ballesteros can provide grades and select the magnifying glass to the student's gradebook only if the homeroom teacher is entered as part of the gradebook…

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  10. Flex SMS Board - Import a CSV with times and classes to establish sections

    Principals were able to use AI to establish class sections of PE and Music. They are able to export the information into a CSV file.

    To make this process perfect, we need to be able to import the CSV file into the SMS Board so that they do not have to go through the manual process of creating each section.

    Thank you in advance.

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. Mass Copy Gradebooks in Flex Schools

    Mass Copy Gradebooks - In Flex Schools, enhance to allow users to copy gradebooks to schools where the school is not the Primary School for the teacher.

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  13. Center the View MST Button on the Classes Edit View

    With the ability to create multiple periods in Flex, the View MST button is on the far right and requires scrolling if there are lots of periods. Please consider moving it to the center.

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  14. Class Page sort by order by time and Class Calendar

    The Classes page sorts by class meeting time. Would like to be able to organize this so it would order by time and Class Calendar

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  15. Effective Permissions Report - Adjust for Teacher and Sub account types in Flex / Section Staff Schools

    Effective Permissions Report - Adjust for Teacher and Sub account types in Flex / Section Staff Schools

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  16. Weekly Engagement Report - Include Class Calendar Filter

    On the weekly engagement report, flex periods and section numbers are listed, but most of us use the combination of flex period and class calendar to identify sections. If the class calendar could be included in the filter box, this interface would be much more user friendly!

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  17. Class Calendars and Flex Periods - Set the Schedule by Grade Level

    It would be really nice to allow Class Calendar and Flex period setup by grade level for schools that run different schedules by grade. Right now, on the Classes page, All Flex periods display in the "show available periods" view. It would be nice to only have the flex periods applicable to that student display on that page.

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  18. Update Online Course Request

    The current online course request structure does not match well with how IUSD does course requests. The current system requires students to select courses from specific subject areas and then offers them the option to select an alternate for that course.

    This is not ideal as it only allows a course-by-course alternate, rather than for prioritization.As the number of electives expands and course options grow wider, students often have three, or even as many as six, "electives." Some of these electives might even meet other subject area requirements, such as taking AP Stat and AP Calc.

    It would be better…

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  19. Class Calendar label: standardize (always call it the same shortened name)

    On various pages and reports, the column for the Class Calendar uses different labels. Examples: Scheduling Master Schedule Details report: Days. Class Load Analysis and Locator Cards reports: Calendar. Course Requests: Meets. I think it should always use the same label. Suggestions: Days, CCal, ClCal?

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