Scheduling Setup and Track Primary Classes option
Currently the Scheduling Setup page allows the user to select "Track Primary Classes for Students for Next Year" without having the "Use Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking" Feature Flag turned on even though that setting is required to use Primary Class Tracking on the School Options page.
Add a Check for the Staff ID Based Counselor setting when using the Track Primary Classes for Student for Next Year option.
Also Add a Tool Tip message that says "In order to use this option, the Staff ID Based Counselor Feature Flag must be enabled."

Hello, I wanted to let you know that work on this item was completed and it was released to customers on 11/19/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:
Scheduling Process > Configurations > Scheduling Setup - For schools using Flex Scheduling, when selecting Track Primary Classes for Students for Next Year, Aeries now checks that the Use Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking feature flag is enabled. If enabled, the user can select that scheduling option. If not enabled, the scheduling option cannot be selected, and a message is displayed when the user hovers over the tooltip notifying the user that the Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking Feature Flag must be enabled. See Converting from Elementary to Flex Next Year or Flex Scheduling Setup.