Aeries Ideas
76 results found
Add a Warning on the Scheduling Setup Page for Flex Scheduling
From Trainers: If a district is transitioning to Flex for the first time and they copy over MST each, they must reach out to support for the conversion. So if they select the Flex option - a popup should appear that states something like, "If transitioning to Flex the copy MST feature is not enabled. Select the Scheduling Students into classes for Next Year option and contact support to enable for Flex". Also, if converting to Flex for the first time, the Copy MST should be disabled and not an option.
5 votes -
Attendance by Period in Flex Schools
Allow teachers in flex schools to take attendance by period instead of having to mark attendance complete for each section
4 votes -
Student Transcript Report in Flex Schools
Student Transcript Report in Flex Schools - When printed with Sort by Teacher/Period option it prints Name as Unassigned. Report should be enhanced in Flex to print Teacher name
4 votes -
For Flex Schools, If we could get the Class Roster report to print without the time
For Flex Schools, could we have the option to print the Class Roster report without the flex period time?
3 votes -
Elementary Transcripts in Flex Schools
Elementary Transcript - Add support for Flex Schools using Primary Class Tracking.
Currently the Teacher name prints as "Unassigned" and the Promoted label is not printing in Flex/Daily schools.3 votes -
When searching for students at the elementary level, the counselor field is now displayed. Can we get this changed back to being called teacher, and auto-populate the teacher name again?
3 votes -
Allow Teachers Access to the Portal Usage Log Page for Flex Schools
This enhancement would benefit our teachers as they monitor activity by parents.
3 votes -
Assign TAs only to certain Flex Periods
When assigning Teachers' Aides (TAs), we only allow teachers to have a certain number of TAs, usually the first couple of periods.
Can Aeries give us an option to choose which periods to assign TAs to and if possible which teachers to have which periods.
3 votes -
Add the option to turn off flex period time in the Student Class Schedule report
Currently I can print this report and have them sorted by FTF.STI, flex period short title. Unfortunately the default bell's schedule times are printed on this report.
It is confusing to students and parents since we have quite a few bell schedules and the times are different than the default on our Minimum, Collaboration, Finals exam days.
3 votes -
Add the ability to Repeat Weeks in the Class Calendar
For Flex: When building a class calendar - add the ability to repeat weeks within the calendar (as we have in the Block Schedule calendar) to eliminate the tedious process of building an A/B concept - for example - in the class calendar. We would like options to range from 2 week up to 5 weeks.
The first advantage is that you can schedule your block days for a 2 week period - for example - and have that pattern copy through the calendar for each Flex Period.
We are asking for the option to be available for 2 weeks,…
3 votes -
Add Count to Class Calendar - Flex
Add a count to the bottom of the Class Calendar so that visually we can view how many days are selected in the calendar
3 votes -
Additional Columns to Identify Homeroom Teacher using Flex Scheduling in SBG, GRD, etc.
Currently, our Music/Band teachers have roster sections that are respective of the homeroom sections to aid in identifying each student appropriately when providing SBG reporting and other reasons.
Our PE teachers have their rosters based on grade regardless of the teacher. This is a simpler approach when creating PE sections. Music, however, is more involved due to creating the different sections corresponding to the respective homeroom teachers.
I have a setup where the music teacher Ballesteros can provide grades and select the magnifying glass to the student's gradebook only if the homeroom teacher is entered as part of the gradebook…
2 votes -
Flex SMS Board - Warn when moving sections to different period that Class Calendar needs updating
When moving sections on the Flex SMS Board please either change the Class Calendar to match the new period or warn the users that the Class Calendar also needs to be updated.
2 votes -
In Master Schedule, require Flex Periods when adding Sections in Flex schools
Require flex period when creating sections at schools using flex scheduling.
2 votes -
Teacher Load on Classes Page
Teacher Load on Classes Page - In Flex schools add color coding and message for Teacher Overloaded when applicable.
2 votes -
LOG - Adjust entries coming from Flex Period FTF records
In Flex Scheduling schools, LOG entries contain erroneous data in the SC column and the CO column. When user performs Updates and Deletes to Flex Period records (FTF), LOG entries set the school number equal to the sequence number instead of the logged in school. Also, the description in the CO column contains an extra character after the 'FTF'.
When updates or deletes to FTF occur, the SC column of LOG should always contain the school code of the school where the FTF record exists. Not the SQ number.
When adds, updates, or deletes occur on FTF, the CO column…2 votes -
Flex Negative Alt Ed Attendance Report
For online school when a student is missing an Attendance code in Alt School we need a report to identify students with missing attendance codes. PLEASE!
2 votes -
Flex Scheduling - Students with N or More Absences - Skip '0' Counts
We use the Students with N or More Absences more in a Flex Scheduling school to print period absences for the current day.
The report prints all period, and it would be very helpful if it only printed periods where the student has at least one absence (i.e., eliminate the '0' rows).
2 votes -
Flex Schools - Allow a way for teachers to be excluded from Attendance Reports
Allow excluding teachers from Attendance Reports like you can in schools with Teacher Records (TCH.ET)
2 votes -
"Enhance the SMS Builder in Flex schools to recognize a Course ID of 0000"
"Enhance the SMS Builder in Flex schools to recognize a Course ID of 0000"
2 votes
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