Aeries Ideas
79 results found
In Flex, create a way to identify Sections with no Primary Teacher assigned
A general report for Flex Scheduling SMS and MST that will identify Sections without a Primary Teacher assigned.
And, if an SSE/SSM record is not present, the Teacher will appear as Teacher 0 (unassigned) so that the section will appear in Aeries Query & Reports.9 votes -
Allow a way to set priority for Academic Courses in Flex Scheduling
Allow an option to set a course as a priority so the academic course is scheduled before electives.
9 votes -
Add Class Link to Flex SMS Board and SMS Builder
Class links are a fantastic feature for easily scheduling students into linked classes. However, linking classes together is not easy since it is currently only done through the SMS (or MST) page, typically after the schedule has already been created.
Please add the Class Link field to the SMS Board and SMS Builder so that the links can be applied as staff are building schedules initially.
9 votesHello, this idea was attached to a current work item in development which does not match the criteria related to this Aeries Idea.
The status has been modified from "Started" to "No Status" so that the idea can continue to receive votes.
An upcoming release will include a visual enhancement to the Flex SMS Board that will display sections with a Class Link value.
Student Withdrawal Form - Sort Classes by Flex Period
Sort classes by Flex Period on Student Withdrawal Form, right now it sorts by Sections.
9 votes -
Flex Scheduling - SMS Builder Teacher Selection
In Flex Scheduling, when using SMS Builder is there a way for the drop down for Teacher selection to only reflect the staff at the school level rather than the district level.
9 votes -
Add option to display Staff ID on specific Flex scheduling reports
On several reports (such as SMS/MST reports), it displays the Staff ID first and then the teacher last name, first name.
Because our district uses a long staff id number, it only leaves a few letters of a teacher's name displaying making it very difficult to identify which teacher it is referring to without looking up a Staff Id #.
Since the display fields on some reports are limited - can the Staff Last Name be displayed FIRST, and the staff Id# at the end?
Update: The change will be to add an option to include STAFF ID number in…
8 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that development is starting on this item and it will be shipped when testing is completed.
Bell Scheduler page should display flex period bell schedules
The Bell Scheduler page used to display the bell schedule for the day a schedule was assigned to. Now that we're using flex scheduling, there is NO way I can see to actually see the entire bell schedule for any given bell schedule.
The Bell Scheduler page lists the schedules and lists all flex periods, and allows you to assign a schedule to a day, but doesn't let you see what the schedule is that you're assigning. Showing all flex periods available gives us a bottom left corner total instructional time of 1557 minutes because of overlaps.
The Flex Periods…
8 votes -
Monthly attendance summary / Continuation
For a continuation Flex high school, can we get a Monthly Attendance Summary / Continuation Report that is formatted like the Monthly Attendance Summary Totals and calculates the
monthly total apportionment hours divided by three.7 votes -
Attendance Dashboard -Present and Absent column needs to count enrollment for Flex / Period / Positive schools
On the Attendance Dashboard, calculate and display the enrollment under Present totals in a Flex school with period/positive attendance schools.
7 votes -
Gradebook Backup and Restore needs enhancements when a New Primary Teacher takes ownership of section/Gradebook
In Flex Schools, adjust the Gradebook Backup and Restore process to allow NEW Primary Teacher's to run this process without the need to select the original teacher's name who created the Gradebook. Process needs some refinements.
6 votes -
Printing report "Print students absent today" in Flex schools
Before Flex Scheduling, it would list which individual periods in which a student was marked absent, now it just lists a total. Need the format of the report like before but with flex scheduling?
6 votes -
Flex Period Page - Allow the option to choose days/schedules
The flex period page currently shows all bell schedules available. It would be really nice to have the option to choose which bell schedules to add flex periods to instead of the default of having all bell schedules display. I ended up making some of them 6am-6:30am to make them not factor into our school day, which could potentially be confusing.
6 votes -
Flex Scheduling Staff Section list - include all staff when searching
Currently staff only show in the SSE dropdown list if they already have an SSE record or an STJ record with CD = 12. Whenever we have other staff that need adding, we have to enter their ID to get them to show up.
It would be incredibly useful if we could search for staff not in the original list by their name as well as by ID.
5 votes -
Absence Verification Worksheets report - Add support for Flex Daily attendance schools
Absence Verification Worksheets report - Add support for Flex Daily attendance schools
5 votes -
Remove attendance by Photo - OLD for all Flex schools
The Attendance by Photo - OLD module does not function when using Flex scheduling. Please make it possible to remove from the teacher portal via Security/portal permissions or when Flex is utilized, automatically disable Attendance by Photo - OLD as it does not work and does not need to appear on the navigation pane.
5 votes -
Student Attendance Quick Print Report in Flex Daily Schools
In a Flex / daily schools the Quick Print report on the Student Attendance page displays 0 - Unassigned under the Enrollment Information Teacher column. Enhance to display Primary Teacher name.
5 votes -
Students with repeated Courses Report - Add support for Staff ID-Based Counselor to this report.
Students with Repeated Courses report - The report is currently still looking at the TCH table. For Flex needs to look at Staff. Add support for Staff ID-Based Counselor to this report.
5 votes -
In FLEX schools, Mass Change Period Abs. no longer inserts a note if the student does not have a class scheduled during the affected period.
We would like to request that Flex Scheduling Attendance Notes work the same as a non-flex school in the following regard:
In a FLEX environment, Mass Change Period Absences no longer inserts a note if the student does not have a class scheduled during the affected period, which was useful information to have.
In a NON Flex environment, the note adds to all students no matter if a student has a class scheduled or not, during the affected period.5 votes -
Flex scheduling- Please add Field-Level Security for Primary Teachers (Student/Parent portal)
Please add Field-Level Security for Primary Teachers so it can be turned on/off. We are using Flex Scheduling and when the primary teacher is set to Yes for Section Staff Members, it is visible on the parent/student portal before schools are ready to release that information.
5 votes -
SMS Builder - Allow Adding Staff From Other Schools
We are using Staff ID Based SMS ( not full flex ) and we have staff teaching at two locations and need to be able to add them to the SMS / MST board when using Staff ID Based SMS.
We would like there to be a SMS/MST option to allow search for a teacher outside of the STF.PSC field, so they can add a teacher from another school.
5 votes
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