Data Confirmation and FRE responses Income Survey Audit page
Create an Audit page for Data Confirmation FRE responses that does not feed directly into the FRE table. Instead have the responses feed into a queue, similar to the military and residence survey audit pages.

Hi! We understand that this issue is important to you, and we would love to solve it immediately if we could. Due to other pressing priorities, we are unable to provide an ETA at this time. As soon as we are able to get it scheduled, we will update the status so that everyone knows that development has started. Thank you for your understanding.
Rosa Loy commented
Any updates on this idea?
Rich Parde commented
I agree, the automatic posting of PDC income can create problems in the FRE table, especially for DC families.
lori williamson commented
The current version of PDC causes a major issue for our District. We open PDC in the current year for next year. the FRE record for this year gets closed out with todays date and a new record gets created with the following date. So we actually do not get a new record created for next year.
We have to backup our FRE data prior to opening PDC. Then after the new Year database is created, pull the backup into FRE and update the EOY FRE records. I would rather that it does the same as Residence survey and not just create new records with Aeries desired dates. Allow the Districts to create this records.
Mary Masters commented
This is a big deal. I want Aeries to be our 'source of truth' for Free and Reduced - whether it be from DC, or Income Survey. We are CEP. The system doesn't work well the way it is.
Wendi Rapp commented
Would also want to query the temporary table for FRE responses to compare with Fodd Services data.
Alexandra Nims commented
I agree with the comments below, especially with Jennie Ibarra. " there should also be a feasible way to disregard the income responses for a parent if the district has already determined them to be categorically eligible (either by ignoring the income response or not even allowing the parent to submit it if we have already determined the higher benefit through direct certification). This will be a big issue for CEP districts and trying to maintain this information." and Cassandra Lane " We also can't control the entry date, which really should be the students' enrollment dates, not the date the parents completed the income survey."
Having the survey has helped us to determine those families that are income eligible and for our unduplicated counts, however, it has created invalid removal of direct certification data, and duplicate records.
Cassandra Lane commented
We have so many duplicate records in our FRE table because families are completing the income survey more than once. We also can't control the entry date, which really should be the students' enrollment dates, not the date the parents completed the income survey. The housing survey is a good example of the desired functionality.
ahernandez commented
Is there an ETA or update on this? It is causing a lot time on our end to clean up the data. Thanks!
Chris Holloway commented
Tangentially related idea: agree with this idea that the PDC/AIR parent income surveys should not be placed directly into FRE.
Jennie Ibarra commented
When/if this idea gets implemented, there should be a way to easily identify which students we have already determined to be Free/Reduced based on direct certification (either through the CALPADS DC file, our LEA homeless list and foster list). The audit page is nice, however, there should also be a feasible way to disregard the income responses for a parent if the district has already determined them to be categorically eligible (either by ignoring the income response or not even allowing the parent to submit it if we have already determined the higher benefit through direct certification). This will be a big issue for CEP districts and trying to maintain this information.
Bea Braun commented
I would love this to happen!!!!
cchrisco commented
Now that there should be only one source feeding into the FRE table, there should be an option for the household income survey information to be fed into a table or queue. From that queue a district level user could decide to accept or decline the record based on if there is already existing information in the FRE table. Turning off the household income survey would lose families that qualify for free or reduced lunches that don't want to fill out a lunch application, and leaving it on creates conflicting records if you are already importing data from your Nutrition program which in turn causes incorrect data in the FRE table. This could potentially make CALPADS Fall 1 unduplicated reconciliation much less messy for many districts.
Thank you!
Brittaney Hunsaker commented
Create an Audit page for Data Confirmation FRE responses that does not feed directly into the FRE table. Instead have the responses feed into a queue, similar to the military and residence survey audit pages.