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77 results found

  1. CALPADS - SSIDs for TBD Students After School Starts

    Allow us to filter students to create an SSID file just for TBD students after school starts.

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  2. CALPADS - School Selection by User instead of District-Wide

    When you have an Aeries district with multiple CDS codes, there are multiple people running the CALPADS extracts. The "Save" button changes the default selection for everyone! Every time an extract is run it changes the default schools for everyone else, and our CALPADS administrator has to deal with errors when they accidently leave a school checked that isn't theirs in the first place.

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  3. CALPADS SPRG ODS orphaned records -All other eligibility orphaned Program records not being deleted that no longer exist

    Compare CALPADS SPRG ODS records against Aeries and delete all other program records that exist in the ODS file but no longer exist in Aeries. These are records that become orphaned after being added to Aeries, uploaded to CALPADS, then deleted from Aeries and no longer exist. Previously, participation records, FRE and Homeless records were handled separately. This idea will capture all other Eligibility Programs not already being deleted when they no longer exist.

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  4. Adjust the RACE extended query multiple race categories to align with CALPADS documentation.

    Adjust the RACE extended query multiple race categories to align with CALPADS documentation.

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  5. SELA Conflict Report - Exclude TK Students

    Enhance the SELA Conflict Report to omit TK students, as they are no longer participating in the ELPAC test.

    Workaround: ​Run a SKIP query first. Then, run the report.
    SKIP STU IF GR = -1

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  6. CALPADS SPRG ODS orphaned records - Program 191 Homeless

    Compare CALPADS SPRG ODS records against Aeries and delete program code 191 Homeless records that exist in the ODS file but no longer exist in Aeries.

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  7. SDEM pulling inactive staff with leave dates prior to CBEDs day

    SDEM is pulling staff where TG = 'I' AND who have leave dates prior to CBEDS Day.

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  8. CALPADS SENR extract - For E155 honor using tracks and pull Enrollment Exit date that is not a *track vacation date

    CALPADS SENR extract - For E155 records, the Enrollment Exit Date in SENR is not pulling the last active day of school for the student when tracks are being used and the Calendar has *track vacation days. Honor tracks for the option "Auto-close enrollment (E155/E156).

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  9. Free and Reduced CALPADS Information to Follow CALPADS FRPM Data Collection: Required Forms for Schools in 2022-23 *changes are due to AB

    Create Report options or functions to ensure that students are following the CALPADS FRPM Data Collection: Required Forms for Schools in 2022-23*changes are due to AB 130 (2021-22 budget trailer bill for education) California Universal Meals Program.

    Districts are not allowed to lower the students eligibility during the 5 year cycle. Create options that move students into the next year's eligibility to ensure that the district is in compliance with the LCFF requirements as outlined in the attached form.

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  10. CALPADS STAS Issue With Charter School Option

    CALPADS STAS Extract - If a single database has multiple CDS Codes used for reporting - When a virtual school houses students tagged with a Reporting Home School, and CALPADS Extract School Options are set to a specific school, the STAS file may include other student attendance data from CDS Codes that were not selected in the extract.

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  11. CALPADS Identifier import - Add a new report for new SSIDs imported

    A summary report of new SSIDs with a date range and options for SWD=Y only etc. would be very useful.

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  12. CALPADS Fall 2 CRSE - Adjust logic for itinerant sections using section staff (SSE)

    For schools where section staff members are used (SSE), the itinerant logic needs to be modified to ensure the Class ID field has the same value when the class has multiple teachers according to (MST.MTS). Currently, schools with this scenario is causing CALPADS fatal error CRSE0639F2.

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  13. CALPADS Fall 2 PSTS Extract

    Adjust the logic to not evaluate the Cohort year. CDE indicates the PSTS extract should extract regardless of cohort, the logic needs to be modified to no longer use this as a factor when the extract process is generated.

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  14. Student Data Audit (CALPADS) - LIP 307

    To prevent the error message "Participation program without a participation start date", enhance the report logic to utilize Eligibility Dates instead of Participation Dates when PGM.CD = 307.

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  15. Save Option for SSID Match Operations

    Could a save option be added to the SSID Match Operations? When working with hundreds of New SSIDs it's nearly impossible to finish the process in one seating. There are times when I accidentally click on another page and when I go back to SSID Match Operations I have to start over. There are also the issues of not having enough time to complete the process or timing out and having to start over rather than where you left off.

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  16. Auto create 113 CA Partnership Academy special program records based on Course Attendance

    Currently, we have a SQL script that generates a 113 CA Partnership Academy special program record for all students with Course Attendance in specified courses. It would be nice to be able to do this within Aeries rather than relying on a SQL script.

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  17. Calpads Extract - State Course Code TCH.CB vs Course when a teacher's class setting changes to self contained

    It would be extremely helpful to allow the Calpads Extract to look at TCH.CB only when it is filled versus the Course - State Course Code Assigned. An example of when this is useful is the case when the school year has started and the classroom setting is forced to go into a self-contained setting vs departmentalized setting.

    For Fall 2 reporting and assignment monitor, this would allow us to adjust the course code to reflect the staff setting. In turn, this would allow for us to cut down on our Calpads error reporting.

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  18. Calpads - Adjust logic to check TCH.MTS = 09 when the school has TCH.IT = Y

    Calpads - Adjust logic to check TCH.MTS = 09 when the school has TCH.IT = Y

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  19. SINF - Contact Analysis Flowchart

    The current Contact Analysis Flowchart seems to hinder accurately reporting student demographics information to CALPADS.

    We would like step 1 to consider IF District Settings have any defined Guardian code(s).
    IF Guardian codes have been established, reported contacts should be limited to Contact records using those codes.
    IF a particular student does not have any contacts with a CON.CD matching one of the defined Guardian codes, then that student shouldn't have any contacts extracted due to not having the required information entered.
    (potentially an option could be added to allow districts to FALL back to the CON.OR scheme -- though…

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  20. New Report for Special Ed Information and Teacher Credentials-CALPADS

    Using Special Education information and credential information, create class lists with Primary and secondary disabilities for courses where instructional strategy = 700 (special education). This would be helpful for CALPADS assignment monitoring requirements.

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