ELPAC 2022-23
Add the new Summative ELPAC layout for 2022-23.

Hello, this idea has been completed in the 05/26/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes: https://support.aeries.com/support/discussions/topics/14000019974
Elise Yerkey commented
Good morning. Our district shared our raw data files to assist in the development of the template. Please reach out to us if there is additional help you need. It has been 10 days and it's critical to be able to upload these files in a timely manner.
Carrie Brumfield commented
Do we have a timeline to when we might be able to upload this file?
This is a necessary feature, we cannot move forward with our data analysis without the import -
Jacklyn Sherman commented
New testing layouts should not become an "IDEA" for voting on!!
They should be planned for and available when test results are released. -
We are currently reviewing the 2022-2023 Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC Test Student Data File Layout for changes.
Thank you.
Cassandra Lane commented
They were released today!
Lbanks commented
It is imperative to have this available once the Score Data files are released.