Aeries Ideas
605 results found
Cal Grant - Update 2025-26 Non-SSN GPA File Layout to the August 2024 version
Update the Cal Grant Extract to the August 2024 version of the 2025-26 Non-SSN GPA File Layout
67 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 09/24/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CAL Grant Export - 2024-25 Specifications
Update Cal Grant Export to meet 2024-25 specifications.
65 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 09/17/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Import Test Results - Add Summative ELPAC 2023-2024 File Layout
Add the file layout for the 2023-24 Summative ELPAC Student Data File Layout to the Import Test Results page.
123 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 6/4/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- School Info > Imports and Exports > Import Test Results - The ELPAC test import was updated according to the 2023-2024 file layout. See Test Specific Information - ELPAC.
Import Test Results - Update for CAASPP 2023-24 File Layout
Import Test Results - Update for CAASPP 2023-24 File Layout
96 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 6/18/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- School Info > Imports and Exports > Import Test Results - The CAASPP Test Results import now accommodates the 2023-2024 file layout. See Test Specific Information - CAASPP Student Test Results.
CALPADS Extracts - SENR Summer Grads
Enhance Aeries to extract 1 day SENR enrollment records for reporting summer grads to CALPADS.
73 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 7/30/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
School Info > Imports and Exports > CALPADS Extracts -The Student Enrollment extract (SENR) now allows additional enrollment records to be extracted in order to accommodate students graduating during the summer. See How to Report Summer Grads for CALPADS Submission.
Import Test Results - Update the SAT File Layout for 2024-25
Import Test Results - Update the SAT File Layout for 2024-25
57 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 10/08/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Student Search Slow or Failing to Load in some circumstances.
As of 7.16, there's an issue with the Student Search becoming unresponsive when searching by name or student number. This only happens when searching from the Attendance page and has a console error listed.
30 votesHello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 7/23/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Student Data > Attendance - The Student Search feature became unresponsive when searching from this page. The Student Search feature now functions properly on the Attendance page.
Master Schedule/Scheduling Master Board Add Report Options - NonFlex
Master Schedule/Scheduling Master Board Add Report Options - NonFlex
Print Room Numbers
Print Section Number
Print Total Students12 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that this item has been completed and it was released in the update 1/14/2025. Here are the relevant Revision Notes:
Scheduling Process > MST Board (Print Board button) or View All Reports > Master Schedule Board Report - For Non-Flex schools, the following report options were added to provide more information about the master schedule and staffing:
Print Room Numbers - If selected, the room number for the teacher and section is printed based on the Master Schedule.
Print Section Numbers - If selected, the section number for the class is printed based on the Master Schedule.
Print Total Students - If selected, the total number of students in the section is printed based on the Master Schedule Total Students field (MST.TS).
Group by Subject Area - If selected, staff are grouped by subject area (CRS.S1) before sorting.
Define Custom Table Add Field Issue
Define Custom Table - The "Field Type", "Edit Mode Display Width", and "Max Length" fields are not able to be edited on Add of a new field to a custom table
17 votes -
CRDC - Update Extract for 2021-22 Reporting
CRDC - Update Extract for 2021-22 Reporting - Update the Civil Rights (CRDC) extract file to use the 2021-22 administration layout.
53 votesUPDATE: As of 2/11/2024 the CRDC Extract process has been updated to meet the requirements for the 2021-2022 CRDC Data Collection. See the Revision notes dated 2/11/2024 for a more thorough explanation of all the changes. Please be sure you are updated to the latest version of Aeries to access these changes.
NOTE: There are 2 sections where the data is not quite extracting properly, so we are suppressing this data from the extract at this time.
DISC: Student Discipline (Corporal Punishment, Expulsion, Suspension)
- DISC-27: School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension
OFFN: Offenses
- OFFN-1: Offenses – Number of Incidents
We will immediately be adjusting the extract further to include these sections, and that work remains our highest priority. However we wanted our Customers to know about the work-around for these sections, if needed:
- The data for these sections do appear correctly on the Results screen in Aeries. If desired,…
Import Test Results - Update the PSAT 8/9 File Layout for 2024-25
Import Test Results - Update the PSAAT 8/9 File Layout for 2024-25
29 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 09/24/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CA Preschool Data Collection (CAPSDAC) - Extracts Needed
The 801-A submission is transitioning into CAPSDAC (California Preschool Data Collection System), which is a data collection that merges together the CDD 801a and data submitted to PLIS (Preschool Language Information System) and new fields.
For the time being, data will be concurrently submitted to the CDD-801A, PLIS and CAPSDAC. Eventually, the CDD-801a and PLIS will be phased out.
Can the Aeries Early Child Development page be reconfigured to include the 3 extracts needed for the CAPSDAC: Classroom, Staff, and Child information fields?
34 votesHello, a fix for this issue was released on 9/17/24. Here are the relevant revision notes:
- School Info > Imports and Exports > CAPSDAC Extracts - For LEAs who manage CA State Preschool Programs (CSPP), a new process has been added to create the 3 new files that are required for the monthly CAPSDAC reporting requirements. See CAPSDAC Extracts Configuration.
CALPADS CTE Course Section Provider Code (MST.TEP)
Per CALPADS Flash #287, field 9.27 - CTE Course Section Provider Code on the Course Section (CRSC) file is no longer being used and has become a “filler” field. Update the logic to exclude data from extracting when field MST.TEP is populated. Remove the green state reporting highlight.
12 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that work on this item was completed and it was released to customers on 12/17/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:
School Info > Imports and Exports > CALPADS Extracts - The CTE Course Section Provider Code was removed from the extract, as it is no longer reported to CALPADS. See CALPADS cross reference by Extract.
Import Test Results - Update the PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT/10 File Layout for 2024-25
Import Test Results - Update the PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT/10 File Layout for 2024-25
26 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 09/24/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
State Seal of Biliteracy - Update with 2023-24 Requirements
Update the State Seal of Biliteracy with the 2023-24 Requirements.
77 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 03/14/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Add New Sign Language Code ase to Code Translations
To match CALPADS Code Sets v16:
Add the new sign language code ase - American Sign Language to the Code Translations (XRF) table.
Update the description of language code sgn to Other Sign Languages.12 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 09/24/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Update to honor the 2024-25 CAASPP and ELPAC Student Test Settings layout if needed
Update to honor the 2024-25 CAASPP and ELPAC Student Test Settings layout if needed
6 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 01/21/2025 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CALPADS SPRG - Generate Records for Enrollment Status Code = 20
Enhance the SPRG process to generate program records for Enrollment Status Code = 20 based on the criteria from the CALPADS User Manual votesHello, I wanted to let you know that work on this item was completed and it was released to customers on 8/27/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:
School Info > Imports and Exports > CALPADS Extracts -
- The Student Programs extract (SPRG) now includes students with secondary enrollments, in accordance with recent changes to CALPADS requirements.
- The Student Programs extract (SPRG) now excludes private schools (i.e., enrollment status = 50), per recent changes to CALPADS requirements.
TX: Ed-Fi - StudentEdOrgAssociation Entity - Student Characteristics Begin Date in Prior Year
Students with descriptors having a begin date in a prior school year are not extracting and causing the districts to have missing data and/or errors occur in their Fall PEIMS submissions.
5 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that this item has been completed and released in the update 11/19/2024. Here are the relevant Release Notes:
TSDS Ed-Fi - In the StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation entity now syncs Student Characteristics that begin in prior years and are still active.
Import Test Results - Update Initial ELPAC and Initial Alternate ELPAC File Layout for 2024-25
Update Initial ELPAC and Initial Alternate ELPAC Student Data File Layout for 2024-25
12 votesHello, this idea has been completed in the 08/13/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
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