Aeries Ideas
162 results found
Authorizations - Allow Filtering
It would be nice to allow certain authorizations to be hidden - particularly ones that we've stopped using so don't pertain to students in the current school year. Either hide automatically based on status in the Code Table, or have checkboxes to hide/grey out, with the option to "show hidden" or "side hidden" .
3 votes -
Authorizations - Allow Sorting
It would be nice to allow the Authorizations page to be sorted by the different columns.
8 votes -
Update Links for Online Resource Center - Allow Editing of Sort
It would be nice if the read-only sort order field could either be edited or if it would automatically renumber when a link is deleted.
2 votes -
No Show Manager - Add IEP Indicator
The new No Show Manager is great, but it would be nice to have an IEP indicator on there so we can skip No Showing students with IEP's.
3 votesConsidered for Feature Modernization ·AdminMinott Opdyke (Quality Control, Aeries Software) responded
Hello! Thank you for this idea. We are making plans to include it in the Aeries NextGen system.
Activities and Awards - Auto populate Grade Level
Is it possible for you to add the student grade to populate automatically when we add a new record under Activities and Awards?
2 votes -
Update Links for Online Resource Center - Add District Level Support
Add support for adding links at the district level and add the ability to push them to school sites.
7 votes -
School Name Dropdown - Highlight Current School
It would be nice if the School Name Dropdown would select the current location in the list and have it visible when dropping down the list each time.
For some functions that don't operate at a district level, I spend a fair amount of time scrolling the locations dropdown list to select the next site when performing the action for every site.5 votes -
Event Log - Aeries NET
Have Aeries.NET log to the Event Log on the System, similar to how AeriesReporting and Aeries Online Registration do so that more detailed logs could be accessed rather than relying on the on-screen error messages and IIS logs.
1 vote -
Military Survey at District Level
Military Survey at the district level would be beneficial for large and small districts. At this time, you would have to log into each school site one by one and confirm or reject a military survey record for large school districts, who may have one or two people checking 30 to 50 schools one by one can be very time-consuming. For smaller school districts who only have a district Aeries support person(s), it will make life easier and be a more efficient way to confirm or reject the military survey records from a district level.
2 votes -
More Customization for Define Custom Tables
I would love the ability to add extra detail to custom table pages.
Being able to insert informational text boxes or fields from other tables (either forced read-only or with an option to) would be very useful.8 votes -
Financials/Fees from Other Districts
Some of our Fees are not intended to be collected. Specifically, fees which represent balances at other districts. We have to enter those so we know to check with the other district before graduating a student, but we cannot collect payments for those fees.
I want to request an option to mark a record in Financials as not allowed to be paid.1 vote -
Data Validations - Add a “Pinned” Indicator on Non-Refreshable Validations
Currently the ability to refresh validations occurs at the group level.
However not all validations within a group may be marked as "User Can Refresh". This would be confusing to a user who refreshes after addressing the non-refreshable validation issues.
My suggestion would be to add a thumbtack glyph to the validation header bar with rollover text that states something to the effect of “these validation results are pinned by the system administrator”.
1 vote -
Add Support for Last Updated/Created username and time for Custom Tables
Custom tables should have support to track the last updated username, and created username along with time.
3 votes -
Add last updated/created username for Visitations
Show username/date created and updated for Visitation
8 votesHello! Thank you for this idea. We are making plans to include it in the Aeries NextGen system. Stay tuned!
Have a SQL Repository for common used SQL queries
Have a repository or forum for commonly used sql queries by context.
Including, but not limited to..Demographics
Etc..This would be a useful resource as a base for extracting data for current and new DBA's to the aeries system.
This could also be a repository for DBA's to share their own SQL Queries as well.11 votes -
Update Code Table - Display Message for Tables That Cannot Be Updated
Right now, when a table is either hardcoded or pulls from another table, there is nothing to indicate that on the Update Code Table page. It would be really nice to have a message of some kind display to indicate that.
For example, STU.HL is an updatable table. CON.CL pulls from STU.HL, but when I go to the Update Code Table page for CON.CL, it is blank, with the option to add a new record. But if I add any new records, according to support, those won't do anything because that page is irrelevant. And it's possible that I missed…
24 votes -
Custom Tables - Allow Linking to Other Fields for Drop Downs codes
In Custom Tables, I would like to link fields to the code table for pre-existing fields, or to other quasi-code tables.
An example, I have a custom table with a field that I would like to link to the options in STU.HL, another field I would like to link to LOC.CD and a third that I’d like to link to STF.ID.
7 votes -
Lockers - Allow Additional Set of PE Lockers
We would like the ability to have a second set of locker assignments for the PE lockers.
3 votes -
Send Emails - Option to Copy Yourself
I would like the ability to copy myself when using the Send Emails function, Or automatically copy myself, so that a copy of the email that was sent is retained.
5 votes -
Test Scores Source field needs to display codes from the COD table.
Test Scores Source field (TST.SRC) is only displaying hard coded codes. Need to open it up to the COD table values for the TST.SRC field.
1 vote
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