Aeries Ideas
162 results found
Global Messages - New UI Cuts Off Images
Prior to the UI if a Global message had an image the full image and message were displayed on the home page.
After the UI staff, parents, and students need to click on the message to view the entire message and image. This defeats the purpose of capturing staff, parents, and students' attention for an important event or message.
1 vote -
Update the ACT codes to only show on certain Types
Would like to update the ACT codes to only show on certain Types. Texas uses certain Codes under different types. They would like to add new codes based on the different Types and not be added to all lists.
2 votes -
Red Flag Eligibility Screen
When we put a student on Academic Probation it makes them ineligible for any extracurricular activities, including sports. It would be really beneficial to know a student is on academic probation and ineligible with a reg flag instead of having to know which students are on probation by running a query.
1 vote -
Define Required Fields Visitation Table
We'd like to be able to define required fields on the Visitation table to make sure we're capturing necessary data. Really, this should be available for all tables.
1 vote -
CCGI Extract - Course Level mapping options
Currently, the CCGI Extract page only lets you map HIS and SEC by terms. We have unique courses that need to be mapped individually, so it would be nice for the extract to somehow allow for more flexible mapping of the WIP and Terms being sent to CCGI.
Example - We are a Trimester-based Scheduling school, but the courses are technically "Semester" length courses (earning 5 credits). This means many of the T2 sections of courses can either be considered S1 or S2; however, the extract only allows to map it to one or the other.
Maybe having a Course…
1 vote -
Single Year Capstone Course mark students as participants through Career Pathways Management
Under Career Pathways Management, you can't mark a student as a participant for Single Year Capstone course(s). Depending on how many students are in the Career Pathway, having to go through each student to manually mark them as a participant or a completer is a waste of time management. The filtering on the Career Pathway Management page should be able to identify students in single-year capstone courses and allow you to click the Participant option.
1 vote -
Dark Mode highlighting and searching
When doing sibiling lookup in standard mode, the data that matches the current selected student in highlighted in green. This is not offered in Dark Mode.
Also, when doing a reverse lookup in Dark Mode, the text colors of the reverse lookup bubble are too light and you can not read it. Can the text inside the bubble be dark so that we can read the bubble?
1 vote -
Allow for alphanumeric codes in LCN.CD for Record Request Transfer
Use alphanumeric rather than strictly numeric codes for LCN.CD was that on the School Options page, the sorting of the items is alpha--for example: 1,10,11,12,2,21,22 instead of 1,2,11,12,21,22 don't sort logically, and need leading zeros to make more useful.
Right now, having any alphanumeric codes in LCN.CD causes the Print Request letter to fail and throw the following error.
2 votes -
Career Pathways (CTE) Widget
The Career Pathways widget under the profile screen is currently only triggered to display if a student has a CTE record. I’d like to recommend making this trigger customizable, allowing districts the flexibility to activate it based on CTE-tagged courses instead.
1 vote -
Schools in numeric order
List school sites in database drop-down numerically instead of alphabetically.
1 vote -
Global Messages - Option to Require User Acknowledgement
As users can now set their landing page upon login to something other than the home screen, it is possible--even likely--that important messages will go unseen.
Requesting an option for global messages that would display the message--at full size--the first time the user logs in with an OK or Acknowledged button that must be clicked before the user can move on to the landing page. After being acknowledged, the message would appear in the same way as any other global message.
1 vote -
Quick Print Option
When using Quick Print on a page, Suppress the All Rights Reserved verbiage from printing.
5 votes -
New UI: Suggestions for adjustments
Please give any feedback for adjustments you'd like to see in the new UI, that are not already requested in other UV Ideas.
2 votes -
New UI: Allow users to customize their font size where possible
It seems like the new UI work has decreased the Font Size on the Navigation Tree. Is there a way for users to revert back?
3 votes -
Survey Audit pages - Add "Date Enrolled" option for Eligibility Date
On the Residence, Foster and Military Survey Audit pages, add "Date Enrolled" as an option for the Eligibility Date. This would help align PGM dates with enrollment dates.
1 vote -
TX: Calendar Page - Bell Schedule Set on a Particular Track Should Not Default to Other Tracks on Same School
TX: Calendar Page - Bell Schedule Set on a Particular Track Should Not Default to Other Tracks on Same School
4 votes -
Push Pull option for Letter Text Editor
Push Letters created between schools
1 vote -
Physical Fitness - Leave the Test Status blank in Aeries PFT since the state is no longer calculating a "pass" or "no pass"
Last year, we received quite a few confused parents due to the Test Status in the Aeries PFT screen. Since the state is no longer calculating a “pass” or “no pass,” this test status is showing as “Not Tested/Undetermined,” although the student has been tested. We want to request that Aeries leave the test status blank instead of this confusing message.
10 votes -
Allow the use of physical tokens for MFA i.e. UbiKey
Allow the use of physical tokens like a UBI Key for MFA when authenticating to the site. Using Authy or something else sounds great but that requires a cell phone and some users do not want to use their personal device and are not compensated for it. Furthermore, Authy has eliminated their desktop app.
2 votes -
Staff & User Arrows forward & back
It would be great to have the forward & back arrow capability on the Staff screen and also on the User screen so that we can move through the records one by one like we can on Students. I know that would make it easier for our HR Dept to be able to move through the staff records as they do their annual review and it would also make life easier for an Aeries Admin to go through the Users when looking to see which accounts need maintenance.
4 votes
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