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  1. Send Email "Add Recipients" - Include options to select case manager, counselor, administrator

    For teachers, when they use the Add Recipients feature in Send emails and their student has an IEP or a 504 plan, it will be useful to have the option to also select the student's Case Manager, Administrator or Counselor, so they can be included on certain communications to student/parent.

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  2. Custom Tables - Auto populate name of User that created record

    Student Wellness Checkup - we would love to have a field that is automatically populated/logged to identify the user that created the Wellness record. Perhaps a date/timestamp field, too? Thanks!

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  3. Seating Chart and Attendance by Photo - allow specifying a default seating chart

    Stop the possibility of having 2 default seating charts for one period and add the ability to select which chart is to be the default. Currently the teacher must select a seating chart prior to taking attendance, and there is no option to specify a default. This default seating chart will be the one used to take attendance.

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  4. Custom Tables - Allow Linking to Other Fields for Drop Downs codes

    In Custom Tables, I would like to link fields to the code table for pre-existing fields, or to other quasi-code tables.

    An example, I have a custom table with a field that I would like to link to the options in STU.HL, another field I would like to link to LOC.CD and a third that I’d like to link to STF.ID.

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  5. Global Messages - Allow for Specific Pages

    Global Messages only posts on the home page, it would be great if we could enable this for specific pages (i.e., if there are changes to attendance procedures, you could make a global message/pop up that would appear on the teachers attendance page).

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  6. School Name Dropdown - Highlight Current School

    It would be nice if the School Name Dropdown would select the current location in the list and have it visible when dropping down the list each time.
    For some functions that don't operate at a district level, I spend a fair amount of time scrolling the locations dropdown list to select the next site when performing the action for every site.

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  7. Custom Triggers in Aeries

    Allow DBAs to create custom SQL triggers that can be controlled similar to how Data Validations operates.

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  8. Authorizations - Allow Filtering

    It would be nice to allow certain authorizations to be hidden - particularly ones that we've stopped using so don't pertain to students in the current school year. Either hide automatically based on status in the Code Table, or have checkboxes to hide/grey out, with the option to "show hidden" or "side hidden" .

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  9. Send Emails - Option to Copy Yourself

    I would like the ability to copy myself when using the Send Emails function, Or automatically copy myself, so that a copy of the email that was sent is retained.

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  10. No Show Manager - Add IEP Indicator

    The new No Show Manager is great, but it would be nice to have an IEP indicator on there so we can skip No Showing students with IEP's.

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  11. Create Substitute Teacher Accounts From API

    It would be useful to use the API to automatically create substitute teacher accounts based on the data in our substitute system. We could then email the sub their login credentials. This would greatly support subs during distance learning.

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  12. Add Support for Last Updated/Created username and time for Custom Tables

    Custom tables should have support to track the last updated username, and created username along with time.

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  13. OneRoster - Option for Staff in Sections

    It would be great if one of the options presented for staff in sections could be "oneroster."

    If a staff member has been added to a section for online zoom moderation/attendance or for contact tracing in person, those staff don't necessarily need to be added to oneroster exports for curriculum access. It would be nice to not have those extra staff added to rosters.

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  14. Custom Table Name Translations

    When using custom tables, we need the ability to have the navigation menu naming translated from English to Spanish where applicable.

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  15. Aeries Communications Report

    Please add a report that shows which parents don't have Aeries Communications. The report in Signal Kit doesn't include school.

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  16. Change the default time on Aeries Data Validation to not coincide with Aeries Analytics

    From October 2020 Conference Session 973-1 - Intro to Data Validations discussion.
    A talk by James Lancaster and Hannah Rhinebeck

    On the recommendation from this talk, the presenters noted the time for Validations to run is midnight which is the same time as Analytics and so the recommendation was for districts to change the default time for validations. Would it not be easier for Aeries to change the default time for all districts? This would ensure to not tax the system should a district not go in to change the default time.

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  17. Teacher Portal - Enhance Assignment Filter

    The Assignment filter for the briefcase opens in a little pop-up window at the top of the webpage. So every time you want to change the filter it moves you to the top of the webpage and you end up scrolling back down the webpage to see what you have selected. You can drag the filter down to the briefcase area in Chrome, but it automatically closes after you hit go. So when you want to switch to the next class you have to open the filter and be taken to the top of the webpage again. It would be…

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  18. Update Links for Online Resource Center - Allow Editing of Sort

    It would be nice if the read-only sort order field could either be edited or if it would automatically renumber when a link is deleted.

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  19. Activities and Awards - Auto populate Grade Level

    Is it possible for you to add the student grade to populate automatically when we add a new record under Activities and Awards?

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  20. School Name Dropdown - Search Feature

    A search feature on the school drop down would make it much faster to switch between schools. Districts currently have to scroll through all of their schools when looking for the correct one, and it can be especially irritating for larger districts.

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