The ability to select which Attendance Codes can have ADA Make-Up applied
Currently Aeries allows ADA Make-Up to be applied to ANY all-day attendance code that does not apply to ADA. This list includes: (A,B,D,I,J,K,L,N,O,P,Q,S,U,X,Z)
I’m assuming that this is not the appropriate process since it seems that some of these codes should not be getting Saturday School ADA Make-Up applied. Specifically, the D, L, O, and S codes although there are probably others that should not receive ADA makeup either.
I would like the ability to select which attendance codes are allowed to have ADA Make-Up applied. For example, Aeries will currently allow it to be applied to a student out while awaiting his DHP (Disciplinary Hearing Panel) because the D code is technically an all-day absence that does not apply to ADA. I do not want somebody at a school site entering make-up ADA for a student awaiting his DHP, but currently there is no way to limit this usage. The only limit right now is that the code does not apply to ADA.
(Aeries Support Page: When a student is given an absence code in the All Day Code field (ATT.AL) on the Attendance page and that code is set up in the Absence Code Table to not count for ADA, the Attendance Notes area will display three ADA Make-Up fields to populate.)