Aeries Ideas
221 results found
Student Data Audit needs to skip matriculating students with STU.HSG populated
The Student Data Audit report should skip the students with the STU.HSG populated in the highest matriculation grades in an elementary or high school.
We need to change this option on the Student Data Audit report from: Ignore STU.HSG/DG validation (GR=12 and date > 06-04-2021)
To: Ignore STU.HSG/DG validation (GR=12 or highest matriculating grade and date > 06-04-2021)12 votes -
Master Schedule Report - add trimester options to print
Currently, the Print Master Schedule report displays Fall, Spring, Year terms to print. In a school using Trimesters, we would like for this report to honor these codes based on TRM. For example, 1, 2, 3 trimesters.
4 votes -
Weekly Engagement Report - Print ALL weeks or date range
Be able to print a date range or all weeks of Weekly Engagement Reports. As of now, we are only able to print each week of reports and then must select the next week to start the printing process again to PDF.
It would be great to be able to generate ALL weeks of reports for ALL teachers if possible(or any custom selection, of course).2 votes -
Students With More or Less Than N Course Requests should include zero course requests
Students With More or Less Than N Course Requests do not print students with zero course requests when 1 is entered in the 'Less than' field. Please add an option to this report to include students with zero course requests. This will help with not having to also run the Student with No Course Requests report.
6 votes -
Grade Report Mark Listing Credits Complete Column
Grade Report Mark Listing - Print the cumulative credits completed when running the report by the "All" option
1 vote -
Honor Roll and Class Rank Report - Add Option to Include Certain Inactive Students
The Honor Roll and Class Rank report does not have an option to list the students that graduated early, so it appears to be skipping certain ranks.
3 votes -
School/District option to prevent report cards from being printed while a grading window is open for SBG and GRD.
We have taken away the ability for teachers to print report cards, however as Option 1 we would like a system lock out option that would prevent the reports from being generated/printed while the grading window is open as defined by Portal Options/Grades for SBG and GRD. Option 2 solution would be to have a watermark of "unofficial" on the reports that are printed while the grading window is open. We have had teachers pass out copies to parents that were provided to them under "I need to review and it's better if it's printed out." and we are looking…
1 vote -
Allow teachers access to "Asset Course Listing" report
Teachers often check out materials to students, and it would be helpful if they could run reports wihich show which students have checked out the required materials and returned the assets.
1 vote -
Withdrawal Form - Expand Footer Text
Footer for Withdrawal Form - we would like to increase the number of characters allowed in the footer of withdrawal form in order for our district to be able to add our Ed Code that refers to defaced or unreturned school supplies. We would like to add specifically because of the increase of checked out student ipads and technology supplies.
4 votes -
Students Data Confirmation Status Report formatting issues
When printing the Students Data Confirmation Status Report there seems to be a big footer. It is only allowing for 25 lines per page so its moving the students onto the next page however the next page is another teacher.
3 votes -
Make Student Photos available for Custom Report building or Query Report/Labels
We would like the ability to create custom reports with the picture as an available report item. Or, have the ability to add a student photo to a Query Letter/Report. Same functionality would be great for creating labels too (if we could customize the size of labels).
Example attached of a "Field Trip Report" that we used to run with Picture, medical alert and emerg. contacts. Would like to create something similar.
12 votes -
Missing Distance Learning Attendance Information Report takes too long to process
When running the Print Missing Distance Learning Attendance Information report for multiple or all teachers for more than 1-2 weeks, it is taking an extremely long tine to process and locks up the workstation. The Missing Distance Learning Attendance Information Report should be changed to a Long-Running Process, especially when trying to process for multiple weeks & multiple teachers.
1 vote -
Print Custom Reports from District Level.
It would be nice to be able to run custom reports from the district level. We are currently having to run custom reports from each site and then have to merge them into one sheet.
3 votes -
Add the Option to "Select All" or "Clear All" on the Suspension Attendance Listing by Student Report
Would like to have a feature added to the Suspension Attendance Listing by Student report. Rather than having to click on every code, please add a "Select All" button or "Clear All" button and the ability to deselect codes if needed.
2 votes -
Add Crs Filter to Scheduling Reverse Verification Listing Report
On Print Scheduling Reverse Verification Listing Report add a filter right underneath Select Courses to be used if not all. Since Courses are Districtwide most Districts have hundreds of courses.
1 vote -
Scheduling Course Request Letter to Parents Sort Order
The Scheduling Course Request Letter to Parents needs to sort the Courses printed by Course Name. Currently there is no consistent sort order.
3 votes -
Supplemental Attendance Audit listing
The Supplemental Attendance Audit listing needs to printing students with Stop Dates that end before the Start Date.
1 vote -
Work Permits - Allow the student's Social Security Number (SSN) to print
Work Permits - Allow the student's Social Security Number (SSN) to print on the Work Permits. Add to the Encrypted Student/Staff Data (ESD) table.
16 votes -
Allow a district decide which reports to secure.
Will Aeries lock the Transcripts the same way the ADA reports are locked from being altered after being printed to PDF.
2 votes -
Print ID Cards - add the ability to add suicide hotline and crisis phone numbers
Print ID Cards - add the ability to add suicide hotline and crisis numbers in accordance with a new state law.
Any public or private school (including higher education and K-12) that issues pupil identification cards must have printed on at least one side of the card the telephone number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1-800-273-8255 and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-8255.8 votes
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