Aeries Ideas
220 results found
Create Cumulative Enrollment For the Entire Year by Site Report
Please create a report that shows cumulative enrollment for the entire year by site.
11 votes -
Behavioral Emergency - Add Date Filters to the Behavioral Emergency Report
Since the BER table contains the full history of incidents for students, we would like to be able to filter the Behavioral Emergency Report by a date range, so we can easily find only incidents in the current school year
3 votes -
Weekly Progress Emails -School-based Instead of District-based
We would really like to be able to enable or disable this option by school instead of for the entire district at once.
Weekly Progress Emails are a district-based option, so we have this turned on for our district, but if parents at our elementary school (which doesn't use gradebooks) select to receive weekly progress emails when they see the pop up in the parent portal, they receive weird messages and blank emails and call the school to complain that it's not working right.
10 votes -
District Attendance Letters - Grace Period Until SART Meeting and Sort Options
Adding a Grace Period option would REALLY help our attendance specialists stop having to peruse Letter 2 attendance letters for possible deletion due to grace period conditions not being met.
One more suggestion if I may...It would be great to have the option to be able to sort district attendance letters by Letter Number, then by School...and alternatively by School, then by Letter Number when printing.
4 votes -
Student Emergency Card should remember selected checkbox options
The customer would like the checkbox options on the Student Emergency Card report to save her choices, so that she can select the checkboxes her district users want and then all the other users have to do is press print.
3 votes -
Email Option for All Letters to Parents
Some specific letters have been mentioned, but it would be helpful if all of the different letters to parents had an email option.
26 votes -
New Reports to Analyze Family Data
Would like the ability to run report that show total families for District and each school site, and relational family data based on family keys assigned.
Would also like to have reports that show the relationship of families from one school to another. For example, a report from School 5 that shows there are 20 families in School 5 that have siblings in School 1, and 15 families in School 5 that have siblings in School 2, etc.
1 vote -
Emergency Card Option to Print Custom Text
In the parent data confirmation you can add custom text to your report cards. If a parent doesn't have a printer then we have to print the emergency card for the parent and there is no way to add that custom text. I would like the option to be able to add the custom text to the Emergency Cards that are printed from the admin portal and then choose whether you want it printed or not.
5 votes -
Daily Enrollment By Teacher Missing Combine/Exclude Feature
Daily Enrollment by Teacher, One Month option, please add the Enter Programs to combine with "Regular" program, Enter Programs to Exclude like the Daily Enrollment by Month (CSR) report. Also need the sort options by teacher and grade.
2 votes -
Print Student Authorizations by Teacher
It would be very helpful to be able to print out denied Student Authorizations by teacher.
Right now when you run the report it lists the students for the entire school. The teachers just want to see the student in their class who do not have permission to be photographed, carry their report card home, basic first aide, etc.18 votes -
Class Rosters - Enable Option to Run By Room Number
With teachers sharing classrooms, it would be helpful to be able to run teacher rosters and sort by classroom and period. We keep hardcopy lists in the event of an emergency so teachers & subs can 'grab and go' but it takes time to manipulate the data and print in room number order to put into the classrooms.
3 votes -
Emergency Student Listing - add student selector
Would there be a way to print the emergency list for a single student?
1 vote -
Allow Standards Based Report Card Report to Sort by Student Name and By Teacher
Allow users to generate this report by student name. At the moment the report only sorts by teacher name and then student name so we cannot print an entire grade level sorted by student name.
Additionally add a "By Teacher" option so all teachers can print at once.
12 votes -
Add a Total for Sections to the Master Schedule report
The Master Schedule report can be run in a variety of ways, like by course/period, or by teacher/period, etc. At each break, there is a totals line that includes total number of seats, students scheduled, class average, boys, girls, other gender, and percentages for each. It would be nice to include a total number of sections as well so you can see it at a glance instead of having to count. I've included an example here for reference. It would be nice to have Sections: 3
3 votes -
Student Visitation report always includes inactive students
The Student Visitation Report includes inactive students by default. A checkbox (un-checked by default) should be added to "Include Inactive Students," so that the inclusion of inactive students is optional.
1 voteHello! Thank you for this idea. We are making plans to include it in the Aeries NextGen system. Stay tuned!
Add a report in View all Reports to print Student Attendance for all students in a daily attendance school.
Allow the Student Attendance Report to be printed for all or multiple students. Currently this can only be printed for a single student from the Student Attendance page.
13 votes -
CLNA Report for Perkins Data Gathering
Create a report to help populate the tables in the CLNA (Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment) Reporting Template.
17 votes -
Option to not include headers when exporting to Excel and format as one row for each item
When running an Aeries report and exporting to Excel add an option to not include headers. Currently reports exported to Excel have repeating headers, and extra formatting that is not desirable for analyzing data.
78 votes -
Student Documents - Allow Printing All or Selected Documents
I would like to have an option to print all or selected uploaded documents from the student document table instead of having to open and print each PDF one by one.
34 votes -
The Daily Enrollment/Dates report - add an option to "Group by Class ID".
The Daily Enrollment/Dates report in Client Version had an option for "Group by Class ID". Can this option be added to the Web?
1 vote
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