Aeries Ideas
221 results found
Add Option to print Student Suffix on Student Related reports
Add an option to Print Student Suffix on student related reports. Ex: Print Student Data
5 votes -
Add Date Ranges to YTD Attendance Report
It would be beneficial to have date range filters in the YTD Attendance Report for ADA Auditing purposes.
3 votes -
Locker History
We would like a report/form that would show locker history. If a student withdrew from school and their locker was removed from demographics, be able to view those previously assigned lockers.
This will allow us to confirm the locker is clean, and in working condition prior to reassigning it.
1 vote -
Show the query of all reports
Please show the query that is used for each report at the bottom, so that if we need to run a keep/skip or adjust the data, we can do so from the query table.
1 vote -
Printing a report in XLSR
When printing a report in XLS format, please give an option to remove the page breaks and additional headers
7 votes -
Career Pathways Management - Add Report
The Career Pathways Management Screen is great! But sometimes a screen isn't available to show people and I need to be able to print out this screen. Or a report that shows the same information. CTRL+P makes a mess.
2 votes -
District Attendance Letters for Farsi (Persian), Arabic and Hebrew
District Attendance Letters created in the languages of Farsi (Persian), Arabic and Hebrew need to be adjusted to print from right to left.
2 votes -
Print all red flags on Student Emergency Card
Is there a way for a red flag to print on the Student Emergency Card Report? Not just students with a red flag on contacts, but any student with a red flag.
9 votes -
Different Format for Locator Cards
For the locator cards, instead of having the information is a "card" format, is it possible to have it in a landscape format where the information is more in a horizontal format so that more students can fit on one page. See example.
3 votes -
Street Address Report by Street Name - was in Client would like in .net
Bring into .net the Street Address Report by Street Name that was an option to print in Client Server but is not a part of .net. This report allows for bus managment and more.
1 vote -
Always embed fonts in PDFs
Mailing services may fail if a font is missing or non-standard
6 votes -
Grading Snapshots Report
Please create a Grading Snapshots Report to list the students name, grade level, and teacher name, and Gradebook Snapshots information.
4 votes -
Student ID Card - Select Period and add Room #
Add the option to select a specific period and print the room number. Teacher is already an option at elementary and the room# would be helpful. We should be able to select the period at secondary sites to print teacher and room#.
3 votes -
Print Student Room/Section Listing Report Options - Add Counselor
Please add the option to sort by Counselor to the Print Student Room/Section Listing Report Options. Our juvenile hall runs this report daily and they always have to run a Keep Query in order to print by Counselor.
1 vote -
Create a Warm Body Count Report
Please create a single report for warm body counts.
6 votes -
All reports to honor a KEEP/SKIP query
Please make all reports capable of honoring the KEEP/SKIP query.
31 votes -
7 votes
Update layout/fields of the Absence Verification Worksheet
In PowerSchool, we had a report called the Absentee Report. It is similar to the Absence Verification Worksheet but with more fields. These additional fields are very useful when using this worksheet as a tool to verify absences. Here are my ideas:
Remove the Parent/Guardian signature (is this really used considering this is a secretary tool?)
Add a "Talked to" line
Add a "Relationship" line
Add a "Verify Date:" line
Add an "Employee" line.These additional fields are useful if the secretary is truly using this as a worksheet so that he/she can then go back to the worksheet for…
13 votes -
Graduation Status Report - add semester to details information
Add the semesters 1 or 2 into the course completed section. This should display the semester the course was taken when viewing the course details.
2 votes -
Navigate directly to the Teacher's Roster when in Classroom Attendance
In Attendance Accounting > Classroom Attendance, you select a teacher and then there is a link to go to Class Roster. When this link is clicked, you get routed to the class roster report where you then have to find the teacher again. Incorporate logic where it automatically selects the teacher/class you are on in Classroom attendance when you select that link so that the Class Roster report is automatically generated
10 votes
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