CALPADS SSID Match Results Output File
Determine options for utilizing new CALPAD SSID Match Results Output file for easier SSID assignment The new CALPADS SSID Match Results Output file that should be available in CALPADS in August 2022.

This feature has been added in the 3/30/2023 Aeries update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CALPADS Extracts - For California users, the SSID Match feature was added to facilitate recent changes to the CALPADS SSID Match Results process. A SSID Requests file can be generated from the Identifiers tab, then the SSID Match Results file can be uploaded to Aeries. Once uploaded, the appropriate SSIDs can be selected for extract.
Hello, This is in development now. CALPADS is still working on fixing some defects in the SSID Match Results file. We will update this post with any new information:
Mary Mlleon commented
any updates on the SSID Match Tool?
catherine.moore commented
I have gone to doing them one at a time as the function for the Matching tool isnt working correctly.
Mary Mlleon commented
I'm still waiting for Aeries to have the ability to use the matching tool for SSID !! Hope it helps!
Sidra Cleary commented
Following progress to receive updates.
Anita Reeding commented
I got my first SSID Matching Tool results file from CALPADS and it is difficult to navigate (although the manual process is even worse). Can't wait to see how Aeries can help us get through it in a more user friendly manner!
Doug Hawkins commented
Following progress
YDLT commented
Yes please.