Free and Reduced Management Page
Create a new table to store student's Free and Reduced information, similar to the FRE table. This separate table will store records from the different imports available in Aeries: Parent Data Confirmation, NSLP Import, Direct Cert, etc. Provide a management page to define what is the true source.

devlinn_clinton commented
I agree with this statement:
Having the NSLP records created based on the Income Survey and the NSLP status based from the Nutrition Services import makes the management of that data a complete nightmare. We need a tool to reconcile the information between the 2 sources of the NSLP status to be able to avoid duplicates and to have the records reflect the correct information.
Shanna Foster commented
When a parent completes the Parent Income Survey and qualifies for a free or reduced lunch program, the system currently overwrites any existing Direct Certification (DC) free or reduced lunch record, regardless of status. I propose adding logic to prevent this, ensuring that students directly certified for free lunches are not overwritten by reduced or ineligible statuses when parents complete the survey.
This enhancement would significantly reduce the workload for the CALPADS coordinator, who currently must manually review and adjust records to ensure the free lunch record remains accurate. In a medium-sized district, this process can involve reviewing around 2,000 duplicate records.
Anne Barreto commented
Having the NSLP records created based on the Income Survey and the NSLP status based from the Nutrition Services import makes the management of that data a complete nightmare. We need a tool to reconcile the information between the 2 sources of the NSLP status to be able to avoid duplicates and to have the records reflect the correct information.
Heather Benson commented
This, or something like this, is crucial for SPRG management. Currently, bad dates are being added into the FRE table when different sources are imported. (i.e. If a PDC record exists from the income survey and then a record from the DC import is added that predates the PDC record, pre-set logic closes the PDC record with an end date of one day prior to the DC import). This bad logic of adding prior dates causes fatal validation errors when attempting to import SPRG updates. Then, the lack of being able to export Delete records in the SPRG file completely removes any ability for the end user to utilizing Aeries processes for clean SPRG data! We have to go in manually, by hand, and delete (both in Aeries and CalPads) the bad data that Aeries processes added! I don't think that I have to remind anyone of how cumbersome and time-consuming CalPads has become so Aeries is really failing its users by making SPRG management that much harder.
Kristin commented
As a COE, we don't have a universal nutrition software program. We do not want to overwrite start dates in Aeries when importing from CALPADS. We need a way to view/manage data before importing it so that we don't continue to create CALPADS errors and creating a mess to clean up. We will have to work something out in the meantime but as something that is required by CALPADS to be done 3x a year, it would be nice if our SIS could manage this without creating issues.
Elsa Vargas commented
Our district will be applying for CEP and expecting to qualify this school year. I don't know how I will manage to track this information with the current Free and Reduced table and limited functionality. I would like to lock in the CEP record and only accept the PDC survey for new incoming students.
Rich Parde commented
Yes, this is an important update, especially when using PDC.