Option to remove the "add student" option to Student Portal Accounts
Currently, students can "Add New Student" to their Student Portal Accounts. There is no reason for this option when we're mass creating accounts and it doesn't make sense why they would ever allow students to add students to their own portal accounts.

This was completed in the 3/14/2024 version of Aeries.
Michael Pilakowski commented
I concur with the OP on this one - there is no use case I can think of for a student portal account being able to add other students to the account. This needs to be removed for FERPA purposes. Siblings have no rights to see the student records of their siblings.
Rachael Smith commented
I agree, as students nor siblings have educational rights over other students. We recently discovered that some students had up to 10 of their friends linked to their student portal, which allows them access to confidential information. In addition, many siblings were were linked to their siblings accounts, which is unnecessary. Furthermore, removing this option would also trigger parents to know they selected the wrong type of account if they accidently select Student instead of Parent because then they would be unable to add multiple children to that incorrect student account.
Aaron Lindsay commented
I would also like an option to remove the add student/link student option for Parent Portal Accounts since we are using the Auto/Mass Create Portal Accounts feature.