Online Enrollment - Allow Users to Change Deleted to Pending Import
If a user accidentally deletes the wrong online enrollment record, there is currently no way to retrieve it or "undelete" it. You can't even view the information to manually enter it yourself. So, you would have to contact the parent and ask them to start over again. At the least I would want the ability to view those records so the person that made the mistake can in some way correct it, but it would be great if there was an option to move it out of delete and back to Partial or Pending status.

Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/27/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Student Data > Demographics > Import
- The Set as Incomplete button was replaced with the Update Status button, providing more options for updating an enrollment status:
- A Pending Import record can be set to Partial (Incomplete) or Delete.
- A Partial (Incomplete) record can be set to Delete.
- A Deleted record can be set to Pending Import or Partial (Incomplete), allowing users to recover deleted records if needed.
- The ability to view the confirmation page for Deleted and Partial (Incomplete) enrollments is now supported. The View button is now available on the Aeries Student Import page. Selecting the View button opens the confirmation page to view student enrollment details from within Online Enrollment. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.
Winston commented
For anyone looking for a solution, we created a Power App that updates the database directly. Our registrars are able to make the correction as needed themselves. If you are set up with Microsoft as your platform and have write access to the database this is a solid workaround.
NOTE: This is a customer-designed solution that has not been vetted by Aeries staff.
(Edited by admin) -
Michael Pilakowski commented
This happens multiple times a year in our district.
As an option, I would ask for a way to remove the ability of users being able to delete these enrollments, and reserve that power to super admins.
aramirezlara commented
Please, please, please provide a way for us to be able to restore a deleted online enrollment record.
Tuan Pham commented
This would a great feature to have. Thank you for making the request
lortiz commented
This is very important. Thanks.
Henry Monroy commented
This was a recommendation after submitting a ticket to support regarding the issue of when an online enrollment record that is submitted by a parent through AIR is DELETED either intentionally or by user error (the bigger risk). It would enable the online registration data submitted by the parent ("View Enr" link), including uploaded documents, to be retrieved without having to request this of Aeries (which takes additional, unnecessary time/resources for both the district and Aeries) as we have confirmed we do not have direct access to that data (unable to restore via SQL at the district level).
The ability to have some kind of restore link/button once a record has been deleted and moved to the "Deleted" section would improve the usability of this feature in Aeries so that our registrars can perform the importing/enrolling tasks safely, effectively, and efficiently.
On a related note, the "View Enr" link that still appears for those records under the deleted section does not allow the user to obtain that data since, as was explained by support, that "it is trying to find the confirmation page but since the record has been deleted there is no confirmation" (Ticket: [#223422]), thus it invariably points to the AIR homepage, however, this is both unhelpful and may be misleading or confusing for our registrars.
Thus, this is being submitted to request that a "Restore" link or button be available to change the "status" tag of these records from deleted to pending import OR as was initially requested in the above ticket, have the "View Enr" link for deleted records updated to point to the location of where the deleted onlilne submission data that it can be referenced by our registrar as needed for the respective situation.
For additional context, please note that not all online registration records can be imported by our registrars. Per our district policy, registrars are not able to add a student via the importing process for those who either have current active records and/or pre-enrollment records (these are added through alternative methods). However, this results in still needing to account for the online enrollment record that remains on the "Pending Import" list and being able to manage this list accordingly via deleting but with the ability to easily retreive if needed would be greatly improved with a Restore function.
Please consider implementing this idea. I understand there is a prioritization hierarchy for ideas and programming requests, however, we feel this would be a necessary quality of life update that would benefit ALL districts utilizing online registration, if not from a UX perspective but to ensure more redundancy and accuracy with that data.
Thank you.