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  1. Flex Scheduling - SMS Builder Teacher Selection

    In Flex Scheduling, when using SMS Builder is there a way for the drop down for Teacher selection to only reflect the staff at the school level rather than the district level.

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  2. When blanking out the SMS - option to not delete FTF

    If a client is using Flex Scheduling for the first time, and they create the FTF and CCL data, then they Blank out the SMS table, they lose all of their work. When blanking out the SMS table, should there be an option to NOT delete the FTF table?

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  3. Scheduling Page Setup Processes

    On the Scheduling Setup page, the new option in the initializing of the SMS table confuses the order to use these options:
    Do Nothing with the SMS Table, but Copy Flex Periods (FTF)
    Blank out the SMS Table
    Copy current master schedule (MST) table to the new SMS table.

    Blanking out the SMS table does not copy the FTF table, but it does warn that the FTF table for next year will be deleted. Should blanking out the SMS table have an option to NOT delete the FTF table? Or, should the training be done to blank out the SMS…

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  4. Scheduling Setup Verbiage

    If Scheduling Setup option is set for Use Flex Scheduling for Next Year, then when adding a new Flex Period or a new Class Calendar, the default Academic Year should be the next Academic Year.

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  5. Add Filter to Classes Page for Flex Periods

    Add a filter to the Classes page for Flex Periods. If there's 10+ Flex Periods, the filter is needed for managing the Classes page when scheduling a student.

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  6. Sort Flex Periods

    Add Sort to the Headers on the Flex Period table for ease of use.

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  7. Add Color Coding to Flex Periods

    Similar to the ABS table, add color coding to the Flex Periods. District with various program supporting Flex Periods need an easy way to identify the periods when viewing the table.

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  8. Add a Warning on the Scheduling Setup Page for Flex Scheduling

    From Trainers: If a district is transitioning to Flex for the first time and they copy over MST each, they must reach out to support for the conversion. So if they select the Flex option - a popup should appear that states something like, "If transitioning to Flex the copy MST feature is not enabled. Select the Scheduling Students into classes for Next Year option and contact support to enable for Flex". Also, if converting to Flex for the first time, the Copy MST should be disabled and not an option.

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  9. Add the ability to Repeat Weeks in the Class Calendar

    For Flex: When building a class calendar - add the ability to repeat weeks within the calendar (as we have in the Block Schedule calendar) to eliminate the tedious process of building an A/B concept - for example - in the class calendar. We would like options to range from 2 week up to 5 weeks.

    1. The first advantage is that you can schedule your block days for a 2 week period - for example - and have that pattern copy through the calendar for each Flex Period.

    2. We are asking for the option to be available for 2 weeks,…

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  10. Bell Scheduler page should display flex period bell schedules

    The Bell Scheduler page used to display the bell schedule for the day a schedule was assigned to. Now that we're using flex scheduling, there is NO way I can see to actually see the entire bell schedule for any given bell schedule.

    The Bell Scheduler page lists the schedules and lists all flex periods, and allows you to assign a schedule to a day, but doesn't let you see what the schedule is that you're assigning. Showing all flex periods available gives us a bottom left corner total instructional time of 1557 minutes because of overlaps.

    The Flex Periods…

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  11. Flex Period Page - Allow the option to choose days/schedules

    The flex period page currently shows all bell schedules available. It would be really nice to have the option to choose which bell schedules to add flex periods to instead of the default of having all bell schedules display. I ended up making some of them 6am-6:30am to make them not factor into our school day, which could potentially be confusing.

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  12. Add Count to Class Calendar - Flex

    Add a count to the bottom of the Class Calendar so that visually we can view how many days are selected in the calendar

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  13. Weekly Engagement Report - Include Class Calendar Filter

    On the weekly engagement report, flex periods and section numbers are listed, but most of us use the combination of flex period and class calendar to identify sections. If the class calendar could be included in the filter box, this interface would be much more user friendly!

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  14. Flex Scheduling - Allow Sections to be Linked for a Class

    Flex Scheduling is wonderful. What would make it even more wonderful would be to allow us to link sections that together make up a class - and then being able to customize that class name would be the icing on the cake. :)

    We have to create separate sections for classes that meet at different times on different days, but for teachers / gradebooks / grades / schedule viewing it would be REALLY useful to let us link certain sections together so they can be managed as a whole instead of having to tweak a field on each of three…

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  15. Class Calendars and Flex Periods - Set the Schedule by Grade Level

    It would be really nice to allow Class Calendar and Flex period setup by grade level for schools that run different schedules by grade. Right now, on the Classes page, All Flex periods display in the "show available periods" view. It would be nice to only have the flex periods applicable to that student display on that page.

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  16. Update Online Course Request

    The current online course request structure does not match well with how IUSD does course requests. The current system requires students to select courses from specific subject areas and then offers them the option to select an alternate for that course.

    This is not ideal as it only allows a course-by-course alternate, rather than for prioritization.As the number of electives expands and course options grow wider, students often have three, or even as many as six, "electives." Some of these electives might even meet other subject area requirements, such as taking AP Stat and AP Calc.

    It would be better…

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