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79 results found

  1. Flex Negative Alt Ed Attendance Report

    For online school when a student is missing an Attendance code in Alt School we need a report to identify students with missing attendance codes. PLEASE!

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  2. Flex Scheduling - Students with N or More Absences - Skip '0' Counts

    We use the Students with N or More Absences more in a Flex Scheduling school to print period absences for the current day.

    The report prints all period, and it would be very helpful if it only printed periods where the student has at least one absence (i.e., eliminate the '0' rows).

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  3. Remove attendance by Photo - OLD for all Flex schools

    The Attendance by Photo - OLD module does not function when using Flex scheduling. Please make it possible to remove from the teacher portal via Security/portal permissions or when Flex is utilized, automatically disable Attendance by Photo - OLD as it does not work and does not need to appear on the navigation pane.

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  4. Student Transcript Report in Flex Schools

    Student Transcript Report in Flex Schools - When printed with Sort by Teacher/Period option it prints Name as Unassigned. Report should be enhanced in Flex to print Teacher name

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  5. Enrollment History Displaying Teacher Name with Flex Scheduling

    Now that we are using Flex scheduling district-wide, teachers names are not appearing in Enrollment History. The office staff and teachers find that information in Enrollment History extremely useful. I understand you can see who the teacher is in Course Attendance but it's only for the current year. The sites need historical data including teacher names from past years.
    Please find a way to add the teacher's name back to Enrollment History when working with Flex Scheduling. Thank you.

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  6. Gradebook Backup and Restore needs enhancements when a New Primary Teacher takes ownership of section/Gradebook

    In Flex Schools, adjust the Gradebook Backup and Restore process to allow NEW Primary Teacher's to run this process without the need to select the original teacher's name who created the Gradebook. Process needs some refinements.

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  7. Student Attendance Quick Print Report in Flex Daily Schools

    In a Flex / daily schools the Quick Print report on the Student Attendance page displays 0 - Unassigned under the Enrollment Information Teacher column. Enhance to display Primary Teacher name.

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  8. Mass Copy Gradebooks in Flex Schools

    Mass Copy Gradebooks - In Flex Schools, enhance to allow users to copy gradebooks to schools where the school is not the Primary School for the teacher.

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  9. Attendance Dashboard -Present and Absent column needs to count enrollment for Flex / Period / Positive schools

    On the Attendance Dashboard, calculate and display the enrollment under Present totals in a Flex school with period/positive attendance schools.

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  10. Flex Schools - Allow a way for teachers to be excluded from Attendance Reports

    Allow excluding teachers from Attendance Reports like you can in schools with Teacher Records (TCH.ET)

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  11. Flex

    When searching for students at the elementary level, the counselor field is now displayed. Can we get this changed back to being called teacher, and auto-populate the teacher name again?

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  12. Automated days in Class Calendars for Flex Scheduling

    When we create a Class Calendar for Flex scheduling, for example MTWF, it would be wonderful if Aeries could do the rest and we not have to click a little check box for every day of the school year that class will be in session. If we have already created the overall School Calendar and we create a Class Calendar for MTWF and assign it to a section, then Aeries would already have the info needed to determine the days that section is in session and needs attendance. It feels redundant to have to select each day's checkbox for each…

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  13. Allow Teachers Access to the Portal Usage Log Page for Flex Schools

    This enhancement would benefit our teachers as they monitor activity by parents.

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  14. Center the View MST Button on the Classes Edit View

    With the ability to create multiple periods in Flex, the View MST button is on the far right and requires scrolling if there are lots of periods. Please consider moving it to the center.

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  15. Summons Call Slip Classes Print Order for Flex

    Summons Call Slip Report - In Flex schools it is printing Classes in Term order. Enhance to print in period order like non Flex does.

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  16. Add Primary Class visual indicator on Course Attendance Page.

    Add a visual indicator of the Primary Class according to MST.PC on the Course Attendance page in schools using Primary Class Tracking.

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  17. Flex-Print students with N or more absences report options. Add total period absences/wide back

    Would like to have the option to print wide when using the print students with N or more absences report. This report shows all periods and days. It also has a place to put comments if I want to print the sheet and give it to someone to help make calls. With that option gone, after one week, a student will take a full page.

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  18. Class Page sort by order by time and Class Calendar

    The Classes page sorts by class meeting time. Would like to be able to organize this so it would order by time and Class Calendar

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  19. Assign TAs only to certain Flex Periods

    When assigning Teachers' Aides (TAs), we only allow teachers to have a certain number of TAs, usually the first couple of periods.

    Can Aeries give us an option to choose which periods to assign TAs to and if possible which teachers to have which periods.

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  20. Add option to display Staff ID on specific Flex scheduling reports

    On several reports (such as SMS/MST reports), it displays the Staff ID first and then the teacher last name, first name.

    Because our district uses a long staff id number, it only leaves a few letters of a teacher's name displaying making it very difficult to identify which teacher it is referring to without looking up a Staff Id #.

    Since the display fields on some reports are limited - can the Staff Last Name be displayed FIRST, and the staff Id# at the end?

    Update: The change will be to add an option to include STAFF ID number in…

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