Aeries Ideas
79 results found
Flex-Print students with N or more absences report options. Add total period absences/wide back
Would like to have the option to print wide when using the print students with N or more absences report. This report shows all periods and days. It also has a place to put comments if I want to print the sheet and give it to someone to help make calls. With that option gone, after one week, a student will take a full page.
27 votes -
Remove attendance by Photo - OLD for all Flex schools
The Attendance by Photo - OLD module does not function when using Flex scheduling. Please make it possible to remove from the teacher portal via Security/portal permissions or when Flex is utilized, automatically disable Attendance by Photo - OLD as it does not work and does not need to appear on the navigation pane.
5 votes -
Student Transcript Report in Flex Schools
Student Transcript Report in Flex Schools - When printed with Sort by Teacher/Period option it prints Name as Unassigned. Report should be enhanced in Flex to print Teacher name
4 votes -
LOG - Adjust entries coming from Flex Period FTF records
In Flex Scheduling schools, LOG entries contain erroneous data in the SC column and the CO column. When user performs Updates and Deletes to Flex Period records (FTF), LOG entries set the school number equal to the sequence number instead of the logged in school. Also, the description in the CO column contains an extra character after the 'FTF'.
When updates or deletes to FTF occur, the SC column of LOG should always contain the school code of the school where the FTF record exists. Not the SQ number.
When adds, updates, or deletes occur on FTF, the CO column…2 votes -
Gradebook Backup and Restore needs enhancements when a New Primary Teacher takes ownership of section/Gradebook
In Flex Schools, adjust the Gradebook Backup and Restore process to allow NEW Primary Teacher's to run this process without the need to select the original teacher's name who created the Gradebook. Process needs some refinements.
6 votes -
Add the option to sort and print the Student Locator Card by the flex period# (FTF.STI) instead of start time
Allowing the option to sort and print the student locator card and by FTF.STI (flex period short title) instead of the flex period time. The student locator card sorted by the time is then not sorted by the short title and is not in order and confuses students and parents.
This is because my sites have 1,2,3 as A-Day and 4,5,6 as B-Day and the time span is exactly the same. I have attached screenshots as examples.
30 votes -
Enhance the Post Attendance by Month feature to work with Flex/Daily/Positive schools.
Enhance the Post Attendance by Month feature to work with Flex/Daily/Positive schools.
16 votes -
Summons Call Slip Classes Print Order for Flex
Summons Call Slip Report - In Flex schools it is printing Classes in Term order. Enhance to print in period order like non Flex does.
11 votes -
1 vote
Add Primary Class visual indicator on Course Attendance Page.
Add a visual indicator of the Primary Class according to MST.PC on the Course Attendance page in schools using Primary Class Tracking.
10 votes -
Student Attendance Quick Print Report in Flex Daily Schools
In a Flex / daily schools the Quick Print report on the Student Attendance page displays 0 - Unassigned under the Enrollment Information Teacher column. Enhance to display Primary Teacher name.
5 votes -
Flex Negative Alt Ed Attendance Report
For online school when a student is missing an Attendance code in Alt School we need a report to identify students with missing attendance codes. PLEASE!
2 votes -
Flex Scheduling - Students with N or More Absences - Skip '0' Counts
We use the Students with N or More Absences more in a Flex Scheduling school to print period absences for the current day.
The report prints all period, and it would be very helpful if it only printed periods where the student has at least one absence (i.e., eliminate the '0' rows).
2 votes -
Attendance Dashboard -Present and Absent column needs to count enrollment for Flex / Period / Positive schools
On the Attendance Dashboard, calculate and display the enrollment under Present totals in a Flex school with period/positive attendance schools.
7 votes -
Students with Incomplete Class Schedules: update for Flex
In some Flex schools, where the schedule is not complex and/or parallels the traditional 0-9 periods, this report would still be useful to find students who are missing section(s) in their schedule. Could the report be updated to work with Flex, even if the user had to input which Flex Periods or time range and which students to evaluate? Or could the report produce a list of students who have a 15/20/30/60 minute gap in their schedule? Or could this information be provided in some other way?
15 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that development is starting on this item and it will be shipped when testing is completed.
English Learner Class Percentage - Adjust for Flex and Primary Class Tracking Schools
English Learner Class Percentage - Adjust for Flex and Primary Class Tracking Schools
31 votes -
Add option to display Staff ID on specific Flex scheduling reports
On several reports (such as SMS/MST reports), it displays the Staff ID first and then the teacher last name, first name.
Because our district uses a long staff id number, it only leaves a few letters of a teacher's name displaying making it very difficult to identify which teacher it is referring to without looking up a Staff Id #.
Since the display fields on some reports are limited - can the Staff Last Name be displayed FIRST, and the staff Id# at the end?
Update: The change will be to add an option to include STAFF ID number in…
8 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that development is starting on this item and it will be shipped when testing is completed.
Sort MST Board & Flex SMS Board & Classes page headers by the flex period # instead of flex period time
Can we add an option to sort the display of the MST board & Flex SMS Board and Classes page by the flex period # instead of the flex period time? My sites are used to seeing the display by period#, and the display by time confuses them, especially when they have paired the periods i.e. 1 & 4, 2 & 5, 3 & 6 have the same start and end times, and 1,2,3 are on A-Day and 4,5,6 are on B-Day.
11 votes -
Add Class Link to Flex SMS Board and SMS Builder
Class links are a fantastic feature for easily scheduling students into linked classes. However, linking classes together is not easy since it is currently only done through the SMS (or MST) page, typically after the schedule has already been created.
Please add the Class Link field to the SMS Board and SMS Builder so that the links can be applied as staff are building schedules initially.
9 votesHello, this idea was attached to a current work item in development which does not match the criteria related to this Aeries Idea.
The status has been modified from "Started" to "No Status" so that the idea can continue to receive votes.
An upcoming release will include a visual enhancement to the Flex SMS Board that will display sections with a Class Link value.
Flex Scheduling - Allow an Easier way to Transfer Students and Gradebooks to new Sections and Teachers
It was easier to transfer students/gradebooks to new sections/teachers using the "old" scheduling method. Please create a way for users to complete this process if they choose not to change the Primary Teacher in the current section. There should be an easy way to do this, similar to Aeries Classic.
16 votes
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