Add option to display Staff ID on specific Flex scheduling reports
On several reports (such as SMS/MST reports), it displays the Staff ID first and then the teacher last name, first name.
Because our district uses a long staff id number, it only leaves a few letters of a teacher's name displaying making it very difficult to identify which teacher it is referring to without looking up a Staff Id #.
Since the display fields on some reports are limited - can the Staff Last Name be displayed FIRST, and the staff Id# at the end?
Update: The change will be to add an option to include STAFF ID number in the report.

Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 2/11/25 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Flex Scheduling Reports - The following Flex Scheduling reports now display a new Staff ID option. When deselected, this option will not print the Staff ID on the report. Also, the Days column on the reports have been renamed Calendar.
- The affected reports are:
- Master Schedule Report
- Scheduling Master Schedule Report
- Scheduling Class Load Analysis
- Class Load Analysis
- Class Load Averages