Aeries Ideas
148 results found
SMS Rejected Students - We would like there to be a KEEP so we can keep rejected students
When viewing rejected students on the SMS board, there should be an option to keep students so we can work on their schedules. It's not efficient to copy paste or write down their ID numbers.
5 votes -
Allow creating sections in SMS from an imported spreadsheet with minimal or all fields
Time Saver When scheduling is done outside of Aeries - we need a way to import / create sms sections from a spreadsheet. For example - spreadsheet must have Course#, Period, Teacher, (and optionally more fields ie: Course Max, Term, Room). If all of these sections could be created for us, we could use queries to complete any missing data.
6 votes -
Master Schedule - Default View
I would love this page to default to show ALL ACTIVE sections. Our section list defaults to show ONLY ONE - the lowest section number, which happens to be inactive. It is irritating that in order to view all sections, I have to first erase the default number that appears in the search bod, and then click "Go" - see screenshot.
Additionally, I would love it if all the inactive sections were hidden by default (with a clickable box to show them if desired). Showing all inactive sections can get very confusing because we have many inactive sections with the…
4 votes -
Change Classes Trash Can button to a Drop button when making Schedule changes
The trash can button freaks a lot of end users out because they think they are permanently deleting the students class from Aeries. We have to reassure a lot of users that the information is still stored in Course Attendance and that button only "deletes" the class from the Classes page. It would be a lot more clear if the Trash Can was replaced with either a Drop link or a Drop button. Main goal is to change it to Drop rather than Delete. I believe this is how it was in the old classes?
35 votes -
Display Primary teacher and a Co-teacher under Classes Schedule
For Flex Scheduling they would like it to display both teacher's names under Classes Schedule. The Primary teacher and the Co-teacher. If there's a way to indicate in the Classes table (for all Portals) to show the Primary teacher and non-primary teacher.
33 votes -
Schedule All Students
Schedule All Students - Prevent "Error - Index was outside the bounds of the array" for multiple duplicate SSS records
2 votes -
Create better logic for scheduling students with empty periods
Some of our students (especially seniors) are not taking a full load of classes. We have used placeholder courses (Unscheduled) as they must have a class in each period - however in the SMS board and scheduling process - those courses are being seen as any other course and getting placed in the middle of the day.
I'd like to see a placeholder that the Avoid Gaps in Schedule box will recognize and follow and be able to have a better logic system in terms of only allowing those at the start or end of their regularly scheduled courses.
4 votes -
Alt. Ed Course Requests for Next Year Include Actual Course
When scheduling for next year we add the place holder courses like stated in the alt ed scheduling guides but we can't add the actual courses as well. We have to wait until the school year begins and the classes move over to the "Classes" page.
I would like to add the actual course ahead of time and be able to mass add ex. all 11th graders in English 11
More info: Our school is online only and uses Edgenuity.
3 votes -
Mass Change or Add Crs Requests: add Course Request Section Packets
On the Mass Change or Add Crs Requests page, could the ability to mass add Course Request Section Packets (so the Course Request plus a specific Section) be added? In a perfect world, it would also ask if the user wanted to duplicate existing Course Requests or add a new one. And handle existing Course Requests with Sections. Maybe a popup to let the user know which student has the same Course Request and or Section already.
This issue came up during a training. The customer asked about ways to mass assign sets of sections to a group of students.
5 votes -
Scheduling Master Schedule Board report: add visual cue for Class Linked sections
On the Flex SMS Board, a visual cue is displayed to highlight sections with Class Links. It would be nice if Class Linked sections were identified in some way on the Scheduling Master Schedule Board report. At minimum, a cell border. If the Class Link number could fit, that would be great.
1 vote -
Automate the Waitlist Feature
It would be great to have a way to automatically add all rejected students from the SMS process to a waitlist for a course at a given point in our process in scheduling.
2 votes -
When copying students from one class section to another, need a way to also copy the wait list to the new section as well
We sometimes have to create a new section in the master schedule and move students into it. Currently we mostly do this for teacher changes, or sometimes the addition of another section as well. We would like the option to copy over the wait list students as well. It appears the only way to do this currently is to add them one by one to the new section.
3 votes -
Year-Round Scheduling Exclusions
Make scheduling exclusions available year-round, not just when the scheduling tables are active. It would be very helpful to be able to put in the exclusion during the year whenever issues arise so that we don't have to remember all of them/keep track of them somewhere else once we start scheduling.
25 votes -
Remove Classes from past terms from the EDIT screen on the Classes page
Classes that have ended, have had grades submitted, and their term is no longer current should not be displayed when editing a student's current or future classes in the Classes page. This clutters the Edit screen with classes that shouldn't be edited because their CAR records will be affected.
5 votes -
Add Dual Enrollment Credit School and College Credit Hours in Scheduling
The Dual Enrollment Credit School and College Credit Hours fields have to be manually entered. For each student and each course. For a district that has over 500 students taking college courses, some of them more than one college course, putting the data in manually for each course is not feasible. If those fields were in the SEC or CRS tables it would alleviate many hours (days, even) of manual entry.
38 votes -
Teacher Last Name and Entire First Name
When using Flex Scheduling or Staff Sections, Aeries pulls 1st initial/last name from staff by default. Please pull the entire whole first name. We have teachers with the same last name and the same first initial. This will lessen confusion for students when viewing schedules/class summary
5 votes -
Add an option to print Legal Student Name on Scheduling Course Request Letter
Please add the option to print student legal name when sites run the Scheduling Course Request Letter.
17 votes -
Scheduling Master/Master Schedule add customizable permission sets for different Staff Roles
On the Scheduling Master and Master Schedule page, when a Section Staff is added and assigned as Primary Teacher, the permissions (Attendance Prm, Gradebook Prm, etc.) are automatically added (but can be changed).
If a Section Staff is added who is not the Primary Teacher, can a customizable set of Permissions be added based on the Staff Role (SMS.SR/MST.SR)? Note that this could only work currently with the existing hard-coded Staff Roles, but that it would be nice if Staff Roles can ever be added, that the customer could input: "if this Staff Role, then these permissions."
Here is the…
1 vote -
Equity in Scheduling
Provide some key fields such as, Special Ed, Race, Ethnicity on the sections where the students are displayed in SMS/MST to provide the visual information to ensure that classes are balanced.
6 votes -
Enhance capabilities for Teacher #2 and Teacher #3
We would like the functionality for MST.TN2 and MST.TN3 to be enhanced. Currently, if you add a teacher to MST.TN2, this teacher will have access to mostly everything (ATT and GBK) but certain things are not accessible to that teacher (specifically SBG). If you add a teacher to MST.TN3 barely any capability is added to that teacher. We would like the role field (MST.SR2 and MST.SR3) to be incorporated and if the MST.TN2/MST.TN3 are populated with a teacher and the role is assigned as "teacher" then that teacher should have the same capabilities as the primary teacher.
This will be…
33 votes
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