Lock row and column headers on Classes page
When I am using the Classes page to schedule a student's classes, I usually first add a Course Request packet that has all the courses for that student's grade so that I can select which sections s/he should be in. But we have 10 Flex Periods across our various school days, and when I scroll right to view the latter flex periods, I can no longer see the row headers that tell me the name of the course. And if I scroll down to look at latter rows of courses in the list, I can no longer see the column headers that tell me which Flex Period the sections are in. It would be great if the row and column headers were not affected by scrolling, in the same way that we are able to freeze row and column headers on a spreadsheet that has a lot of data. (I am adding a screenshot attachment so you can see how headers are missing when I scroll through the courses/periods.)