Flex Attendance Quick Print in period school types - Not legible, too long, condense report
The Flex Attendance Quick print for period attendance schools should be formatted like the traditional attendance quick print, so the reports are usable. Right now the data is not legible.

Hello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 05/21/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Reports - Student Attendance - The report now accommodates schools using Flex Scheduling with period attendance, as follows. See Student Attendance Report for Flex.
- The report can be run from the Attendance page for the currently selected student, or run from the Reports menu. When run from the Reports menu, the report options page is displayed and will print the last student accessed.
- The option to print a summary or detailed report was added.
- Detailed - All dates are included, even if there are no absences
- Summary - Only dates where absence codes exist are included.
- The Start Date and End Date options were added allowing the report to be generated for a specific time period. In the Attendance Summary section, the Days Enrolled and Days Present totals now exclude non-school days and holidays.
Kim Day commented
Hi, we would love an update on this. My sites are complaining that their eyes are hurting from straining to read the small print.
aramirezlara commented
Adding period attendance totals to these reports would be very beneficial.
john.morgan commented
This would also be helpful for meeting on chronic absenteeism (SARB) as these meeting can happen later in the year when the report can be several pages. Would be nice to have a one page report with the summary.
Shawna Kane commented
This report is very helpful to the attendance clerks.
The Quick Print report on the Student Attendance page is printed out and taken to meetings with stakeholders. The non-Flex version is usually just one page, but displays a comprehensive view of the student's attendance for the year. The Flex version of the report spreads out the data over multiple pages for each student; it is difficult to quickly assess the attendance details that the report is intended to provide.
Flaviola Cisneros commented
When printing a student's Flex Attendance, it will print on 3 to 4 pages, please condense it to At a Glance like the NonFlex Attendance.
Thank you -
Adminsusan (Admin, Aeries Software) commented
Since the Flex periods can be so many, is there a way to condense this report or offer a Landscape option. Previously this information printed mostly on one page, now it's multiple pages. Condense the report to display with less pages.