Change CALPADS process to generate multiple SENR files
Due to the changes CALPADS launched in their new environment, we must make immediate adjustments to the Enrollment Update Extracts
When processing SENR reconciliation process, output into several files

Hello, this issue has been resolved in the 6/22/22 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
CALPADS Extracts - The SENR Operational Data Store (ODS) tab now provides SENR extracts that are output in a zip file which contains separate files which are required due to changes with the operational key fields in the SENR extract. The sub-files are prepended with the order in which they should be uploaded, 001, 002, 003, etc.
Further refinements of this process are planned, including redesigning the Enrollment Update page. Until then, please use this process for all SENR updates needed.