Make a report to track Chronic Absenteeism
We need the ability to easily pull Chronic Absenteeism information. Specifically, it would be nice to pull it by a date range; i.e. 8/19/2021 to 9/30/2021. With Chronic Absenteeism being so very important, it would be oh so dandy to have this be a report that we can have our sites run regularly.

aramirezlara commented
I don't understand how Aeries does not have a chronic report when Chronic Absenteeism is so important to districts. This report needs to be available at district and school site. We also need to be able to filter it by grade, teacher and date.
Jeremy O'Brien commented
We continue to need this kind of report. Especially able to run at site level and district level. To be able to split by grade level or teacher would be great too!
AdminAllison (Admin, Aeries Software) commented
Please include period positive attendance schools that do not utilize the All Day code when building this report.
Vanessa commented
This will be helpful
tfoster commented
This is an critical component of data that our schools are constantly needing. We have many requests for Chronic Absenteeism data and we need Aeries to respond to this request to help all districs address this important task.
juanita.upshaw commented
This would be extremely helpful for the school sites! We get so many report requests for Chronic Absenteeism. It would be super helpful if Aeries had a report for the users to run themselves at the sites.
Michelle Crowder commented
Great idea. Our sites meet monthly with their admin to address chronic absenteeism and this would be a real asset for them.
Heather Benson commented
Chronic Absenteeism has been a hot topic on the listserv recently. Is there any way this idea can be made a priority?
Camden Ray commented
I would love this!
Mario Elisarrarez commented
Great idea.