Update US School K-12 Entry Date with Earliest K-12 Date returned by CALPADS SSID Extract
When requesting SSIDs for new students, CALPADS is now returning the Earliest K-12 School entry Date. If the date stored in the US School K-12 Date in the Language Assessment screen is different or blank, update the LAC.USS with the date from CALPADS.
Note this change will not be done until CALPADS resolves Known Issue 5734: SSID Extract pulling most recent enrollment date instead of earliest K-12 enrollment date.

Hello, this AeriesIdea item has been completed in the 7/13/21 update. Here are the pertinent Revision Note(s):
CALPADS Extracts
The SSID import now includes “Earliest Enrollment Start Date K-12”. The LAC.USS field will be updated if the date in the file is different than the one in the system.
Fearghas Lafferty commented
Extract specs say "The earliest Enrollment Start Date K-12 from the SENR table in ODS" not the initial start from SINF, doesn't that make it LAC.STS not LAC.USS?