Import Test Results - Add Summative ELPAC 2020-2021 File Layout
The Summative ELPAC scores are now available for import. Please add the ELPAC Test Results - SY: 2020-21 option to the Import Test Scores pull-down

Hello, this idea has been completed in the 07/15/2021 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
drauch commented
Sidney told me yesterday that they had said it was complete with the 7/15 revision but they had not yet actually completed it. I had put a new ticket in since it still wasn't working after the revision was supposed to have been done. Is it actually done now?
eangel commented
Hi Kathy,
Looking to see when this will become available. Thank you :)
Doug Hawkins commented
Kathy, I am just following up to see if there is an ETA on this layout being shipped?