Adjust CALPADS SINF extract to support separate Education Levels for Parents/Guardians
Adjustments needed because of changes CALPADS is making for Parent/Guardian information on the SINF file: Data is now being collected separately for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2: First Name, Last Name, Education Level.
Need to move extract from taking data from Parent/Guardian field (STU.PG) and now take it from the Contact table.

Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 02/12/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- District Settings – A selection list was added under District Settings for specifying which Record Type codes (CON.CD) represent the parent/guardian.
- CALPADS Extracts – The SINF extract now gets the Parent/Guardian information from the CON table.
- The option to choose between residential and mailing address was removed. SINF and SIAD now only use the mailing address.
Also, the Parent Highest Education Level field (STU.PED) has been made visible/editable on Student Demographics even if the field is empty.
Patti Minjares commented
Please unhide the PED field on the demo screen as soon as possible until the known issue is fixed. The PED field is a required field in Calpads. If it is not a required field in Aeries (Demographic or Contact) then we have Calpads errors when uploading the SINF file.
Thank you,
Patti Minjares -
Patti Minjares commented
Please unhide the PED field on the demographics screen until this if fixed. PED is a required field in Calpads. If we remove the Aeries required field validation then we have Calpads errors when sites miss it on the contact screen.
Denise Zwicker commented
I had the same problem with registering new students. I contacted aeries and they told me to:
Under Pages (blue) filter Define Required Fields > select student demographic table > uncheck Parent Ed Level > save at the bottom. Then log out of Aeries and log back in. You will not see Parent Ed Level on the Demographic Screen. It is now on the contact screen on the right side. Hope this helps. -
Anonymous commented
I am unable to register students due to this update. The parent education field is no longer on Demographics. When I try to save a new student I am given an error that the parent education information must be answered.
Cyndi Lederer commented
Will the Parent/Guardian Education Level be on the Online Registration form for each parent as well? I believe we collect the initial PED there.
Lori, yes, those warning are what this change is addressing, and why we are moving to taking that information from the CON table. CALPADS has told us that these errors (Missing Guardian First/Last Name) will remain warnings throughout this entire school year, until they point that they change the layout of the SINF file to include separate Education Level fields for each Guardian. You can safely ignore those errors at this time.
lori williamson commented
I am getting 10K errors for the Guardian first name missing this morning for the first time. They are currently only warnings but CALPADS will be changing this to FATALS. Will this be updated?