STU.DE should be Total Days Enrolled not just current enrollment
STU.DE only captures current enrollment and can differ from AHS.EN which is Total Days enrolled for the year
Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 07/01/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Attendance History – The update attendance history process would fail to correctly tally enrollment in the STU table if the student had a leave date midyear since the 07/02/2020 Aeries update, fixed.
Denise Peck commented
A program or teacher change for a student, within the same school, shouldn't be affecting their enrollment totals for that school. It really messes up the Daily Attendance report for all students when it does. I've alway said it should NOT be doing this. It needs to capture the complete enrollment totals for each student, not just from the most recent change.
Camden Ray commented
This would be helpful!
nroa commented
If you have changes to Teacher, Program, Grade, etc. and have multiple ATTENDANCE ENROLLMENT records, beware! The STU.DE / STU.DP / STU.DA fields are only calculating the # days from the Most Recent "E" date. In the past, these fields counted all the days in the year, but it was changed. Now there's no way to capture ALL days during an enrollment in ONE field if there were any changes to the enrollment setup. ... Note that AHS records will also have multiple rows/counts if STU.SP= ATT.PR= AHS.PR is changed. It's problematic to use AHS fields in a simple Query, so it's not a good replacement for STU.DE, etc.
Erika Lopez commented
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