CALPADS Program Reference Report
- Ability to run report by a specific date 2. A count of English Learner (EL) 3. Counts for programs with designation of school 0 (we have some that designate School 0 for a specific reasons) 4. Total of all schools in the district for each program

Hello, this AeriesIdea item has been completed in the 09/02/21 update. Here are the pertinent Revision Note(s):
CALPADS Programs Reference by Student
The report has been modified to include an “As-of-Date” that defaults to the current date. Other options added are for printing only the Totals/Summary, and also to only include PGM records that have the school code (.PGM.SCL) set to zero. Additionally, there is now a district summary, by school, at the end of the report.