Online Enrollment - Allow the use of dates instead of ages to determine if student is able to enroll.
Online Enrollment. Request to have the Enrollment Age Limits changed from age to birthdates. Even the option to use age and/or birthdate. A birthdate would assist in input errors or allowing parents to continue the process for students who are too young.

Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 12/1/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Online Enrollment - Student age was calculated relative to the current date instead of the first day of the registration year, fixed. See Aeries Online Enrollment Parent Process
Online Enrollment for CA
- The Enforce TK Birth Dates option was added allowing admin users to prevent a student from being enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten if their birth date does not fall within CDE eligibility guidelines. See Aeries Online Enrollment Admin Settings
- The grade level estimation for Transitional Kindergarten now reflects the latest CDE guidelines.
theresa.copas commented
We would like to have a spot to enter a minimum date of birth to qualify to complete an online enrollment for a student. We have parents filling out enrollments for students who are 4 but do not meet the cutoff birth date to be enrolled in TK. The cutoff birthdate for this year is 2/2/2018 to be eligible for TK. We want to leave the age 4, but add a cutoff birthdate.
Bertha Chavez commented
If a parent is enrolling for TK, could we have something in place that would allow or not allow to enroll based on birthday?
Example: if I’m attempting to enroll my child for TK and his birthday that doesn’t fall with the age guidelines. Would it still let me register or would it let me know my child is not eligible based on his birthday.
Youa Lee commented
Using dates would be helpful when we have incoming TK/K. We would need to setup based on the cut-off date in December and correctly assign if they will be TK or K. For other grades, it can be set to age for us. Thanks!