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  1. Dual Language report card types for progress and report card

    The new progress report feature works great for non DLI schools. We need a way to have a separate progress report and report card for DLI schools that works with the new progress feature.

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  2. Printing Standards Based Grades Report Card

    Update Report Layout Logic to Check Only Configured Grade Levels for the Current School

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  3. Report card comment formatting improvement

    Teacher would like to be able to copy/paste from a Google Doc/Word Doc into Aeries SBG report card comments and have their formatting (i.e., paragraphs, bullets) preserved.

    They would also like report card comments to print exactly as they appear on the Aeries report card comment entry screen.

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  4. ALLOW District the option to Select + or - for each mark on standards based report cards

    For valid mark on standards based report cards let district have the option to choose if they want the + or - visible to teachers if they do not use the gradebook. For example standards based mark 4 would only show a 4 not 4+, 4 and 4-, standards based mark 3 would only show a 3 not 3+, 3 and 3-
    standards based mark 2 would show 2+, 2 and 2-
    standards based mark 1 would only show a 1 not 1+, 1 and 1-

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  5. Standards Based Grade - Push Standards Based Option Overwriting Grade -1 Report Card Type

    The Push Standards Based Options pushes all of the Grade Level Report Card Types to each of the selected schools. There is an issue with the -2 grade level in that it is pushing to both the -2 grade level and the -1 grade level. If, for example, the -2 grade level report card type is "blank", then the "blank" report card type is overwriting the setting for the -1 report card type in the schools that it is pushing to.

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  6. Add EE/PK/TK Grade Levels to Standards Based Standards Report

    Enhance the Standards Based Standards Report to include grade levels EE, PK, TK

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  7. SBG Change the Radio Buttons on the Standard by Teacher Page to be Color-Coded

    When using the Standards Based Grade Input page and using Standard Based Progress Report Grading, color code the "Standards Based Grades" vs the "Progress" radio button. This will help teachers to select the correct option when entering grades and assist teachers

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  8. Update SBG Attendance Totals at District

    Now that Initialize New Standards Based Grading Cycle can be run from district level, please allow Update SBG Attendance Totals to also be run from district level.

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  9. SBG Progress report

    Now that we have the option to do SBG progress reports, we would like separate standards based options. Our report card is two pages but the progress report is only one. We could have options to print report cards portrait and progress reports landscape. We don't necessarily want the language option on the progress report but we do on the report card. If we had separate options we can set them for each and not have to go back and forth for each reporting period. We would also like the ability to removed the 2nd page on progress reports as…

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  10. Aeries to sync SBG to the Canvas Learning Mastery Gradebook

    This may be more applicable under a different category. In order for HSD teachers to be successful in fully transitioning to Standards Based Grading, the ability for successful syncing to Canvas is needed. Canvas has reported they have the tools and ability but Aeries does not have the integration yet.

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  11. Load State Learning Standards for PK/TK

    Load State Learning Standards - Add the new California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations standards

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  12. SBG Options - Create a pop-up warning that Terms (TRM) must be set up numerically when using Standards Based Grades

    Standards Based Grades Option page - Create a pop-up warning that Terms (TRM) must be set up numerically as Terms F, S and Y are not compatible with the standards based report cards.

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  13. Standards Based Grades - Allow for Sorting the Comments Display

    As with other codes in the COD table, make the SRT field active for TC = SBC, FC = CD so that the display of pre-defined comments that the teacher can choose from can be sorted.

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  14. Prevent adding more than 10 comment type standards to the report card template

    Prevent adding more than 10 comment type standards to the report card template. Users are not supposed to change their template/report card after grades have been initialized, but the report card will not print if they have more than the allowed number of mark type 7 (comment) standards. Nothing prevents them from exceeding the allowed amount when creating a report card template.

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  15. Standards Based Grade Progress Dashboard Display

    Add an option or separate security permission for Districts to enable/disable the display of the Standards Based Progress Dashboard to Portal Groups. Currently it displays to anyone with permission to the GBS table.

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  16. allow teachers SBG entry for inactive students that were enrolled during the term

    We have students who leave our district throughout the school year. Sometimes, the students leave a few days before the term ends. We would like to have grades entered so the students can take them to the next school. However, once the student is marked inactive, the student will disappear from the view of teachers. This requires that the grades be filled out by someone with admin/user access.

    We would like the teachers to be able to see students who were enrolled in their class during the marking period term dates. (Maybe an asterisk to indicate the student is currently…

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  17. Secondary Standards Based Gradebooks - Adjust to Display only Secondary SBG Marks

    Adjust the Secondary Standards Based Gradebooks to be based on standards rather than assignments.
    Some feature enhancements would include:
    - only allow teachers to enter the standard marks for the assignment grades
    - only display standard grades to parents, not overall assignment ore overall gradebook grades
    - only display standard mark assignment scores to admin/teachers/parents/students (i.e., no numeric scores)"

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  18. Standards Based Grades - Allow the use of a checkmark to be given as a grade

    We would like to be able to use √, +, - for marks on the report card. Is there anyway to put a "√" as the actual grade in Standard Based Grades. I want the teachers to be able to use a √ in either a free entry box on the report card or make it one of their drop down choices to choose from. In the past, in our other SIS report cards, we had √, +, - as choices instead of a 1,2,3,4.

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  19. Don't Duplicate Marks When Plus and Minus Marks are Defined in Standards Based Mark Values

    The Gradebook Final Marks, and Standards Based Grades Load Grades from Gradebook (step 3 or 4) display duplicate + and - marks when:
    + and - marks are specifically defined in the Standards Based Mark Values, and
    the Standards Based Options to "Allow plus-minus for mark type ..." are not selected.

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  20. SBG Report Card

    2-column Standards Based Report Card - the descriptions of the marks in the legend do not wrap to a new line and are cut off. Our recommendation at this time is to make the descriptions shorter

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