Standards Based Grades - Load Grades From Gradebook Does Not Include Extra Credit Points in Standards Grade Calculation
The Standards Based Grades > Load Grades from Gradebook calculation does not take Extra Credit Points into account in the following circumstance:
- Elementary teacher in a school that uses Standards Based Grades
- Gradebook is Non-rubric
- Gradebook Assignments are associated with a standard
- Gradebook has one or more Extra Credit assignments
- Gradebook Options > Scale/Min/Max Assignment Values in Total Grade is checked and set up

Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 11/12/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Grades > Standards Based Grades - When using the Load Grades from Gradebook feature, any extra credit assignments with 0 max points were omitted from the overall calculation. The Load Grades from Gradebook process now includes extra credit in the calculation even if the max points is 0.