Aeries Ideas
65 results found
Add Stu ID to page 2 on elementary 2 column report card
If the Stu ID is in the same place on page 2 as page one, we can use ParentSquare Secure Documents to send the elementary report cards 2 column style.
1 vote -
Standard Based Grades One Column Report card
Standard Based Report Card 1-Column Portrait format wrap text when the standard is long.
2 votes -
Standards Based Grading - Require Comments
Our school district wants to require teachers to make comments when uploading grades. We see the "require comment" option for GRD under "portal options". However, we do not see an option to require comments for SBG. It would be nice to have a require comments setting at a higher level for admin only.
2 votes -
Standard Based Grades allow GPA Calculation and option to print
Please include option to Calculate GPA and option to Print GPA on SBG Report cards for Elementary students
5 votes -
Standards Based Progress Dashboard - Display Current Term Marks on y-axis and on Gradebook Details > Standards
Modify the y-axis on the Standards Based Progress Dashboard to display the current term Mark values when the Portal Option > Grades > "Display Only Marks for Teachers, Parents and Students (Applies to SBG Grades and Gradebooks)" is set to True.
Also modify the "calculated" values in the Standards Based Progress Dashboard Details to use the current term Mark values when the Portal Option > Grades > "Display Only Marks for Teachers, Parents and Students (Applies to SBG Grades and Gradebooks)" is set to True.
Also modify the "calculated" values in the Gradebook Details > Standards view to use the…
3 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that development is starting on this item, and it will be shipped when testing is completed.
Standards-Based Grade Report Card template
Enhance the process to not allow standards to be added that do not fit, causing errors when using print preview in SBD or SBE
2 votes -
Increase the font on the Standards Based Report Card
Please increase the font on the Standards Based Report Card
when we print the standard based report card the font is small4 votes -
Expanding Standards field on Secondary SBG Report Cards
On the Secondary Standards Based Report Cards, there is a single line to list each standard under each course. It would be nice if this space could expand and wrap to multiple lines when standards are long and don't fit. This only would increase the length of the report card, which is variable anyway. You can see in the attached example that a number of standards get cut off, which is not helpful to parents/students.
10 votes -
Generate Report Card History all at once in addition to by grade level at each school
Currently, we have to go to each school and click on Generate Report Card History and change grade levels and click again. I hope there is a way to do this for all grade levels by each site, if not at the district level.
2 votes -
Ability to move comment and grading tables in the SBG Report Card Template
The ability to drag to move and adjust the size of the comment and grading tables in the SBG Report Card Template.
1 vote -
Elementary SBG Should Honor Master Schedule Exclude Codes In Flex Scheduling
Some classes need to be excluded from Standards Based Grades. At the secondary level, we use the Exclude Codes on the Master Schedule sections to exclude sections from Grades. At the elementary level, tagging a section with the "Exclude from Grades" or "Exclude from Attendance And Grades" codes do not remove those sections from Standards Based Grades. Because of this we have to run skip queries to skip students in those sections when running standards based grade report cards.
4 votes -
SBG report card
There is limited space to print on the Explanation of Marks on the SBG.
There is a maximum of 6 lines, but the width of text that fits in the explanation is limited to 8 " wide paper.
I request an option to add more space be considered by programming3 votes -
Standard Based Report Cards Translation
When printing out Standard Based Report Cards in Spanish Primary Teacher and Director are not translated. Also “Language Fluency Information” translation is missing an accent mark “Informacion sobre la fluidez del lenguaje”
6 votes -
Allow the Ability to Copy Standards in SBG
Allow the ability to have a functional Copy Standards button in SBG > Standards so that we can easily change/modify the copied standard to what we need, as well as the name (of course). It is so easy to make mistakes, especially when adding so many.
2 votes -
Provide the option to add an image in SBG report card anywhere in the body.
Allow customization of SBG report card layout build by allowing (1) portrait with three columns with the left-hand side column being English (correspondence language) and the other right-hand side column be in another language (e.g. home language). The middle column would be the grade that the student received. This would allow for families to read/view the report card, as well as the student.
3 votes -
SBG - Dual Immersion Program Needs Two Marks for Each Standard
For the Dual Immersion program, SBG standards need to have two marks for each standard, one mark is for the English ELA and the other mark is for the other language ELA (Spanish/Chinese/etc..). This allows teachers to submit the standar marks for each language where application per grading window.
3 votes -
Standards Based Grades - Add previous and next arrows
When inputting grades etc. on the SBG, the only way to get to the next student is to use the dropdown menu. Having "previous" and "next" arrows, in addition to the dropdown, would be much more convenient. Please make it look like the Student Data pages.
1 vote -
Standard the teacher input page does not "wrap"
When some of the standards are very long (many words/characters) Aeries does not "wrap" the standard on the teacher input pages, which makes very difficult scrolling to the right and inputting grades.
1 vote -
Display SBG Grading Window for Teachers
The Grades (GRD) report card indicates the start and end dates for the grading window when teachers access the Grades screen, but the start and end dates for SBG report card are not displayed in the Standards Based Grades screen.
Can the start and end dates for the SBG grading window be displayed on the Standards Based Grades screen too?
Having this information on the screen will really be helpful for the elementary teachers, so they can finish their report cards on time.
5 votes -
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